Chapter sixteen

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I woke up at the sound of my phone ringing. I grunted as the loud sound woke me up. I brought my head up from the comfy,warm pillow and opened my eyes as I looked at the screen.


What does he want now? It's late.

As I answered he told me that he wanted to hear my voice and that...that he's horny...I have no idea how the hell I even should respond to that. But I can hear that he's drunk. Or at least a little tipsy.

"Come on! Just this one time...please." He begged me for the second time to tell him what I was wearing. I smiled to myself as I heard him beg. And I decided to let loose...

"a pair of red string and a red bra." I said,as I in the process sat up in the bed. The tiredness has been washed away quickly. I bit my bottom lip as I laid down on my back,whilst holding my phone to my ear. I could hear him groan in the background...

"Mmm...Could you send a picture?" He asked me carefully. "No." I said but thought about it a little more...I should surprise him.

I put the phone on speaker as I clicked on the camera icon. I took a picture of me in the red underwears and sent it to him...I hope he likes it...

"Oh're a naughty little one aren't you?" He said with a deep voice. My hand began to trace downwards...towards my heat that I was feeling like it needed to be touched.

"Are you touching yourself?" He asked a husky tone. I could feel my cheeks heat up,and I nodded,but as soon as I remembered that he can't see me,I answered him,with a sexy 'yes'.

I began to stroke my clit through the panties. I could feel the wetness through the soft material...

"I want to hear you come. I want you to think about me when you touch your little pussy..." He said. For a minute I almost forgot that he was here. Well not here,here. But you know,on the phone!

I took off my panties with my one free hand,and began to stroke my clit...first in small,slow circles but then a little faster and more presure. I could hear him groan on the phone. "Oh,Baby,I am rock hard right now. Moan for me!" He said,I could hear his breath getting quicker as time flew by. I stroked myself harder and faster. Moans escaping my mouth and I began to get hotter every second.

"That's it baby. Finger yourself for,daddy." He whispered. Only that nickname on him made me moan out loud. I brought my fingers down to my slick entrance. I put only one finger in first,feeling my tight walls hugging it. One more moan escaped my mouth.

"Mm,that's it,goodgirl. I am going to cum soon baby...Come with me." Lazar said as I could hear his breathing getting quicker and quicker. I pushed in two fingers fully,thrusting them in and out. "Ahh,Lazar!" I moaned out his name. The feeling in my body right now is wonderful. I have almost never masturbated before...I've just never really felt like it...not like this time...not with...Him.

I thrusted my fingers in and out hard and fast. The gushy sound of my pussy filling the room. "Baby,I can hear your pussy! Daddy would love to eat you out,babygirl!" He said,his voice low,and deep. I could hear that he was reaching his orgasm. I fingered myself faster and faster until I could feel my muscles in my lower stomach tighten.

"Lazar,Im gonna cum!" I cried out. The pleasure was building up fast. It was almost too much. His breath was uneven and fast.

"Goodgirl,come for daddy! Come with me." He growled,My head in the pillow and my eyes in the back of my head. Sweat dripping down my forhead. I pushed my fingers in one last time,as I came so hard and cried out Lazar's 'kink' name.

"Daddy!!" I cried,as I came undone on my fingers. Just as I cried Daddy,I could hear him moan on the other line...and it was the most hottest moan I've ever heard. We came at the same time...and God,it was good!

"Oh my god,baby girl! You're going to be the death of me!" He breathed out loud on the other side. I chuckled a tired chuckle as my eyes were closed and tired.

"I think you need sleep. Thank you for tonight,baby. Sleep tight. I'll see you tomorrow." Was all I heard before I drifted into the eyes feeling so heavy after this tired and awsome orgasm...



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