Chapter nine

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"Boss,you got your meeting in a few minutes." My personal assistent,Marko,told me as I was on the same floor my office was in. I turned my head towards him. His brown eyes looking into my own. His round nose and his birthmark that's placed right above his eyebrow. I nodded to him and took the papers of everything I need to prepare until they come here.

I walked to my office and read the papers at the same time I was walking. Until I could react,I was in my office,and sitting in my brown office chair. I laid the white papers down on the table and began to read them.


I was sitting in a another meeting with my friend,Shawn. He was talking to the other 10 men in this room,while I paid no attention to them anymore. I just looked at the watch and shaked my leg up and down. Waiting for it to turn to 5:30 PM

I looked down on my black rolex watch,my hand resting under my chin and bitting on my lower lip. Please time go faster! I need to see her...

I have no idea what's happening to me. But ever since I saw,Kathrine yell at her at the library I just felt like I needed to protect her. Kathrine's father is a close friend to my own parents. And Kathrine and her father would really like me to marry her...but the problem is that,she is mean,to everyone,she's only after one thing...Sex. And neither of me and my parents have ever liked her. She's like a stalker and you can't get rid of her.

I broke out of my thoughts as I saw the time turn to 5:30,meaning that my day just ended here. And all my meetings are over!

I fast,flew up from the black chair,and opened the glass door with a rush! I just need to get home,get a shower and get dressed until I can see her.

I've booked a reservation at a fancy resturant. But I have already bought us food...or more like that when they see what I buy for us,they pay it with my card,without,Jessica to know it...I will say that I know the owner and that he paid for the food. I know that she will be angry if she know it,but she won't know it...

As I am walking my way to the elevator,I can feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I pick the phone out and a name pop's up on the screen. Someone's calling me. I read the name on the phone. It's says "Mother"

I accept the call,and take the phone to my ear, as I push the grey button on the elevator,waiting for the elevator doors to open.

"Yes,Mother?" I say as the doors open. I walk into the elevator and push the green button that says "entre"

"How are you my son?" My mothers angelic voice comes through my ear. I smile as I hear her voice. I really miss her. I haven't seen her or my father in more then 3 weeks,since work have taken up my time.

The doors to the elevator close and I begin to go down. "I am doing good,mom. How are you?" I ask her as I really hope she's okay.

"I am doing good. I was just wondering if you maybe would want to come here and have dinner tonight with me and Dad?" She says,a little hope in her voice. I bring my free hand to the bridge to my nose and close my eyes.

✔️ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕖 𝕄𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕎𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕃𝕖𝕥 𝔾𝕠?.18+Where stories live. Discover now