Chapter thirteen

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"The answers no,I didn't get a 'good lay' yesterday. We didn't have sex. It was the first date." I said. My other leg across the other as I was sitting in the black chair,looking at Bennet and Leo with a serious expression. Shawn looking at me from the side.

Leo and Bennet stopped laughing and looked at me like I was dumb. "What?" I asked,as I began to get annoyed at the silence and that they were just looking at me.

"But you have never even been on a date?" Leo said,his blue eyes confused and his blond hair styled to the side. Bennet chuckled making my head turn to him. His blue eyes staring into my own,and his brown hair messy. "Or well maybe not one when you haven't had sex after a few hours." He said. Making Leo laugh with him. Me and Shawn just sitting here watching these two idiots.

"She's diffrent." I said and stood up from the black chair. I looked down at my rolex watch. He's 2 minutes late. 2 minutes too much. I turned my heel and walked out of the room. If you come late,that means that you don't take things serious. Not in this kind of life. Or job.

I closed the door,and walked into my office. I locked the door after me,and sat down in the black chair. I closed my eyes as I thought about yesterday...a smile that I didn't give consent to,came onto my lips.

Her soft lips on mine. And my hands on her perfect petite body...mmm

Maybe I should text her?

No dumbass. You did that In the morning. You'll sound needy!

I am...

I groaned at myself and pulled out my phone out of my pocket. I turned the phone on and clicked on the message icon. Her name was on the screen. Our earlier texts visibly. I smiled again at her name. So gorgeous and so perfect for her. Jessica.

I let my fingers just do their job on the screen without even thinking. And without even thinking,again,I sent the message.

"No fuck!" I mumbled to myself as I sent it...I threw the phone on the desk and brought my hands up to my face. Closing my eyes and let out a deep growl of irritation...

"I am sorry that I am late! I lost track of time!" I said,out of my breath to Martha,who stood behind the brown little desk

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"I am sorry that I am late! I lost track of time!" I said,out of my breath to Martha,who stood behind the brown little desk. She was reading a book. With her pink glasses on and her black little dress. "No worries,Jessica! It's okay." She said as she looked up from the book,and gave me a smile. I smiled back to her and rushed in to the private room where I could change.

I opened the door and closed it after me. As I walked into the room,I saw Katherine standing in there,her back towards me. She was just pulling off her shirt. You could see her black bra now. She stoped in her tracks as I walked into the room. I didn't look at her,I just put my bag down and unlocked my locker and pulled out the black apron.

"I am sorry." I heard her weak voice besides me. I stopped in my tracks just as soon as the words I've never thought would come out of her mouth did. I turned my head towards her and looked at her shocked. I scanned her face. She didn't look at me,but I could see that she meant it...I think.

Her blond hair was in a ponytail,her lips red as always and her blue eyes looking down at the ground. "It's okay. But why now?" I said. She now looked up at me. Her eyes showing me regret. I gave her a little smile and she gave me a weak one. "My dad had talked to Lazar and-" she stopped herself. I just looked at her confused. Her eyes found the floor again. Tears forming in them. I began to get a little scared now...what about him...?

"He told my dad what I said to you,and I just wanted you to know that I am truly sorry...It's just that...I think you're so beautiful! Okay?" She said. I just stared at her with wide eyes and my mouth open,trying to say something but nothing came out.

"Y-You think...I am beautiful!?" I said to her. A chuckle escaping my mouth. It's not true. She must be lying? She just stood there looking at me like I was stupid.

"Yeah? Your hair is gorgeous,your curves is amazing,you're short-just like I want to be-and your eyes are perfect!" She said. I looked into her eyes. "Thank you. But im really not. I am not perfect. I have many...problems as well." I said and gave her a smile. She chuckled back,and pulled me into a...hug?

"Thank you for being so nice to me." She said as she hugged me. Her smal hands wrapped around my body. I took a deep breath and hugged her back. I mean,I know how it feels like not to have friends and to think that Someone else is better then me and stuff...maybe she just needs a friend?

"It's okay,I understand." I said. She pulled away and gave me a smile,before she walked out of the room in her white t-shirt with her black apron on. I smiled to myself.

Did I just make my first friend...?

Just as I was in my thoughts I heard my phone buzz. I turned around and opened my phone. A message from Lazar...? What does he want again? I opened the message and was a little bit shocked by what it said...

Lazar: Hey beautiful. I hope you're doing okay today. I was just wondering if you'd like to take a cup of coffe after work? If you can,come to'Sparkle'. I finish at 3 PM. I hope you do too. And that you can come. See you then I hope😉

My cheeks got red at his question...he wants to meet me again...I smiled bright and looked at the clock. 8:22 am. My shift ends at 3 pm too. And I will say yes!

Jessica: Hey,I would love to! My shift ends at 3 pm too. So I'll guess I'll see you then☺️

This day will be intresting!

This day will be intresting!

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