Chapter seven

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"go out with me. On a date." His voice showing me that he was serious. His green eyes pierced in my own. I could feel my hands beginning to get sweaty at his words.

My eyes got wide and my mouth fell open.



"I-I uhm..." I didn't know what the hell to say. I've never been asked out on something like this before. His smile on his lips were still on his face. His eyes still calm and serious as before.

"Ehm...O-okay. But on one condition!" I said,my finger in the air pointing towards him. His eyes light up a little. He's happy now...

He's so handsome....


"Yes?" He chuckled at my delay with my 'on one condition' thing.

"I will pay for our food! You've already given me the opportunity to have a roof over my head. Let me at least pay for dinner!" I told him. It's now thank's to him that I've got somwhere to live. He just saved a big part of my life! And the least I can do is to pay for our food...right?

His smile developed into a big smile that also turned into a chuckle. He looked down at the ground,one of his hands in his black dress pants pockets. His white,straight teeth showed as he smiled. He looked up and into my eyes. I smiled back to him. I couldn't help it,but when he smiles,I smile too...

"Okay then! There will be a man named,Kevin,here in about..." he looked at his black Rolex watch." Three minutes. He will pick you up and drive you to your new home. He will also give you the keys. Everything you need will be there when you'll arive." He said as it was the most simpliest thing in the world.

I stood there and just watched this man in amusment. Probably looking stupid as fuck.

His lips curled up into a smile and his eyebrows furrowed togheter. "Something wrong?" He asked me. I just shook my head. No. Nothing...or well...

"Why do you want to help me?" I asked. He didn't change his face expression,at the question.

"Because I-..." he paused. I looked at him in confusion,what?

"Because there is something about you that I just can't stay away from." He said. My eyes widened at his words. I cleared my throat as he was looking at me.

"Alright...I will pick you up around,6 PM, so be ready then." He said and turned his heels. But before he could make distance between us he turned around.

"Ohh! And I will message you what you should wear." He said and winked with his left eye,while showing his white teeth and his dimples.

How the hell does he have this information about me?...

How does he have my number?!

"Wait!" He stoped at my words and looked back at me.

"What's your name?"

He chuckled and looked besides me bedore he looked into my eyes,making my heart beat at a faster pace.


I watched as the man that I will be going out on a date with in a few hours,walked out on the busy streets of London...

I followed him with my eyes. Just looking at his big body walking there,having so much power.

I turned around when I heard a car park behind me. It was a black limousin!


Out came a blond guy with a black suit and black sun glasses.

"Hello,miss. I am,Kevin. I will take you to your new appartment." He said. I said a small 'hello' and nodded to him as he opened the door for me. I got into the car and he closed the door after me. He began to drive after one minute.

Well...this is my life now I guess...

this is my life now I guess

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