39. I Crave Her...

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I can't belive that she said yes! I've talked to Stephen and he's happy for us

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I can't belive that she said yes! I've talked to Stephen and he's happy for us...and I am so gratefull for that. For her...

"What do you think of this one?" Jessica asked,as she showed me a picture of a white cake,with chocolate over it. We are sitting in the bed,just taking it slow and just enjoying the moment. It's 23:55,which means that we probably should sleep...but I have a better Idea...

"That's great...but,I have something better in my mind..." I said as I closed the computer screen and took it from her hands. I laid the computer down on the floor,as I in one quick motion put,Jessica on top of me...her legs on either side of me,stradling me.

"Lazar,we should really sleep!" Jessica said playfully,as my hands raked over her naked thighs. She only wore a white tank top with small shorts...you could see her niples right through the top,which made me go crazy for her...

I looked at her breasts,and licked my lips. Jessica's breath hitched as I squeezed her thigh a little bit. As I looked in her eyes,they were dark with lust and passion. I need her now. I want her. I crave her.

In one quick motion,again,I swifted us,so that she's laying on her back,and me between her legs. In a missionary position.

"L-Lazar..." Jessica breathed out. I can't hold back...I need to taste her skin.

I brought my face to her neck. My lips found her skin on her neck,and I began to lick and kiss her neck,passionate...moans escaped her lips,her toes curled,her hands tangled in my hair and her eyes closed in pure bliss. A groan leaved my own throat at the sight...

I looked up from her neck,and she opened her watery eyes. "What happened,baby?" I began to panic. She shoke her head and caressed my cheeks. She smiled and her words made my heart warm...

"Nothing...it's just that I never thought that someone could love me. But you changed that,and I will thank god,100 times for that." She said and smiled. A tear escaped her eye and I kissed her on the lips...

"I love you,okay?" I said. She nodded her head and smiled. I captured her lips once again,and we were back on the track...

My hands massages her breasts through the top. I could feel her nipples right theough it,and it made my boner rise even bigger and faster. She's so hot...

"Mmm." Could be heard from her lips. Her hands above her head,and her eyes closed as the back of her head is pinned down in the pillow,of the pleasure.

I took off her mini shorts,and threw them on the floor. I turned her body around so that she was laying with her ass up and face down on the pillow. My hands raked over her big ass cheeks.

I brought my hand up a little bit,before I smacked it down on her ass. A red mark was now visibly over her cheek,and a whimper leaved her lips. But I know that she likes it...we both do.

"Yes! More,p-please." She begged. A smile creeped up on my lips at her begging me to pleasure her...it really turn me on. I did as she asked...and spanked her a few more times,until I couldn't hold it in anymore.

I took out a condom and took off my grey sweat pants. My hard on really big...

But before I enter her I need to taste her some more...I brought my face to her wet pussy,and licked over her clit. A shiver ran through her,and a big moan. I could see her hands clasping on to the sheets,as her eyes rolled in the back of her head. I didn't waste more time before I dugg into her wet pussy.

She tasted so good...so sweet. I licked and sucked on her until she screamed and came in my mouth. I smiled satisfied and swallowed her cum down my throat.

Her breathing was so fast that you could think she would die...

My finger found her tight hole,and I began to thrust my finger in and out of her,first slow,but then faster...her moans filled the room and so my grunts,and growls. I pushed in a second finger,and her tight hole embraced it. I pumped it in and out until she came,once again.

Now...for the best part.

I positioned myself in front of her entrance...and I pushed in slowly,since she's still really tight,and not really used to having sex yet.

As I pushed in I clenched my jaw tight,and my hands touched her hips,motioned them towards me,and back. I thirsted in and out hard,but still passionate.

Fast,out moans filled the room,the sound of our skin touching and the bed hitting the wall. I could feel her clench one last time before she came,and I came too at the same time...it was such an erotic feeling,that you can't describe it.


I thought that you deserved a little smut

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I thought that you deserved a little smut...so here you go!



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