Chapter twenty-five

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"NO P-PLEASE LAZAR!!! DON'T LEAVE ME!" I begged. It just felt like my whole world fell...again. He told me that he loves me...and I didn't get the chance to say it back...And I do love him. With all my heart. We've only known eachother for a few weeks,but it was love at first sight. He can't leave me! Not him too...

I felt my eyes getting heavier. My heart beating slower and my breathing getting harder...I was about to die. And I don't have a problem with it. As long as I am with him.

So I let go. I let the darkness consume me. The numb feeling taking over me. And stop Trying.. to fight for once...

 to fight for once

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"Shawn,we're ready!" I heard Stephen's voice behind me

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"Shawn,we're ready!" I heard Stephen's voice behind me. "Good! Let's go!!" I yelled to more then 200 men. We know where Lazar is. He's in an old fabric just 15 minutes from here.

We all got into the cars with equipment. Knifes,guns,grenades- you name it. Everything to save our boss. Our friend. Our family.

"When we will get there we will shoot everyone we see,EXcEPT for Eric. Eric will we save for Lazar." I commanded. Since I am second hand,I am in charge if anything would happen to Lazar. And ever since he disappeared,yesterday,I've been in charge. And I fucking hope he's okay...

"Shawn,you have to see this!" Stephen said to my left,with a Ipad in his hands. His voice filled with a little panic. I looked at the ipad and my eyes widend.

"His vitals are extremely low!! If we don't get there now he won't be alive in a few minutes!" Stephen said and his eyes worried. The anger in my body got more and more intense.

"GO AS FAST AS YOU CAN!" I screamed to Bennet who was driving. He nodded and drove faster. 5 minutes later we could see the old fabric.

We all jumped out of the cars and ran inside. Our only goal is to save Lazar and kill everyone. And I mean everyone.

As I said the orders as we ran to the fabric,gun shots was heard. We took cover behind some pedals and shot back. The gunshots stopped and we continued to run inside. I saw 4 guys trying to run and shoot us,but I quickly pulled out 3 knives and threw them at the 3 men and shot the other one. They fell to the ground quickly as they died.

"Stephen,Bennet go and find Lazar quick!!" I ordered them. They ran where the ipad showed where Lazar should be.

Thank god for that chip...!

"Shawn,it should be everyone. They were un-prepared!" Leo said.

Fucking idiots. Now it's only Eric left...

Me and everyone else ran to the room where Bennet and Stephen ran to. And just as we ran into the room I got paralyzed...

Stephen was on top of a her CPR,while Bennet gave Lazar CPR...And I knew the girl. I've seen her before,on Lazar's phone. She called him once and a picture of her came up.

Jessica. Also Eric's daughter.

She had a big cut on her arm,and a gun wound on her leg. Bruises and cuts on her face,blood everywhere...Lazar had a gun wound him too on his shoulder and bruises and cuts on his face.

This isn't happening.

"GET THE BOARD NOW!" Bennet yelled to the men. Two of them quickly ran and came back with two boards.

"No pulse..." Stephen said as he felt on Jessica's neck. He continued with CPR. Her whole body was moving under his hands as he pushed as hard as he could on her chest,above her heart. Five times and then blowing in air in her lungs. Bennet doing the exact same thing to Lazar...

I quickly took the defilbrator in a bag,and ran over to Lazar. Leo took the other one to Jessica. I quickly tore his shirt off and put the defilbrator on his chest.

"1...2...3,stand by!" Both me and Leo said at the same time. Electric shocks came into their body's and their body's arched up.

"OPEN YOUR EYES...!" I yelled as Bennet continued to give him CPR. I pushed him away and took his place instead. I pushed as hard as I could on his chest...until...I could feel his pulse!

"I HAVE PULSE!" I yelled. He's stable for now,so we can move him. Bennet and some other men put him on a board and rolled him out of the room. They will take him back to the mansion,at the hospital we have there.

"How's the girl!?" I yelled,panic floading in me. She just laid there...lifeless. Not moving. Not breathing.

"Not good. 1...2...3,stand by!" Stephen yelled out as he and Leo moved away from her body,not touching her. Sweat was dripping down his forhead as he took his fingers under her neck and felt for a pulse...


The seconds felt like years...she can't die. If she does...Lazar will too. There is no way he survive without her. I've noticed how happy he's been lately,it's like he has a purpose to live and have something to fight for-someone to fight for...

"Shawn! We got Eric! He's on his way to our cells!" One of the men,Javier yelled.

"Good,tell them that they will have him knocked out until Lazar can do anything!" I yelled back.

"I GOT PULSE,LET'S GO,GO,GO!!!" Stephen yelled. They quickly put her on the board and rolled her out. We moved quickly behind her.

As we came outside I stopped in my tracks. And stopped,Alex,one of the men.

"Burn this shit up. And make sure no one will ever do this again!" I ordered. He nodded and said a yes boss. He's one of the guys that can hack,and destroy evidence. One of the trusted ones too...

I jumped into the big car where Stephen and Jessica was in. Everyone after us in other cars too.

"Don't you dare leave Lazar! You hear me? You can't!" I whisperd into Jessica's ear. They're meant for eachother. No one else.


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✔️ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕖 𝕄𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕎𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕃𝕖𝕥 𝔾𝕠?.18+Where stories live. Discover now