Chapter three

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"Yes mother,I will be home at 5 PM." I resured my mother,who's been calling me like 10 times in one hour.

"You need to buy food!" She yelled,she was angry that I didn't pick up the other times she's been calling me...but I have been working! Customers are coming in,and buy books! But she don't get it...she never will...

I sighed and brought my hand to my forhead and closed my eyes. My chin tremble a little at the thought of having no money and you still need to live...

"Y-Yes mother." I said,holding my tears in my throat.

"I need to go now. See you at home." And with that I hung up. I-I can't...I don't have any money! And it's not her who pays the bills,buy's food AND I need to buy her fucking alcohol!!

Fucking sick!

"Ohh,does little Jessica have mommy problems? Buhu!" Katherine said in my face,as I opened my eyes. She said it with a baby voice.

I felt the anger in my body. I just wanted to slap her so fucking hard,so her face falls off...


Remember what your dad always told you...

"Listen to me,honey. You never know what a person's been through. Why they're mean,cocky or sad. Don't judge the person until you know them!"

My father's words came to my head. I inhaled and exhaeld.

"No. And yes,me and my mother does have a little...diffrent relationship." I said.

"Does it look like I fuck-" I waited for more mean comments or something...but nothing came out through her mouth. I opened my closed eyes,to see a man,behind her.

His hair was brown,with locks in it. His eyes were green,so green like the grass. He had an amazingly sharp jawline,making him look more masculine then he already is.

He looked at Katherine with so much anger. His eyes were dark,and he clenched his jaw togheter,making his jaw muscles pop out.

He looks like a freaking greek god...


He wouldn't want you. You're ugly.

"Finish that Sentance. I dare you,Katherine." He said,his hands in fists. He made eye contact with me. The dark in his eyes disappeared and he didn't clench his jaw anymore. He let go of his fists.

Who is this guy?

Who is this guy?

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✔️ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕖 𝕄𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕎𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕃𝕖𝕥 𝔾𝕠?.18+Where stories live. Discover now