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I sat up in bed that morning and yawned.

I walked down and saw that Kaleb had made breakfast.

"Heres some waffles." He handed me a plate. I smiled and joined my siblings.

"Ok, Callie, Miles, I'm taking you guys to school, Jared, Maria, Kaleb is taking you." I said.

I changed quickly and put my hair up.

I put on my ripped jeans and a hoodie and went back down.

I slipped my shoes on and we all headed out.

I dropped off the kids and then went home.

I kept my webcam off.

Dream: (insert minecraft server info)

I joined and decided to speak with my Russian accent plus a male voice filter.

Once I was in and got on the call things could only be more chaotic from here.

"Hey guys so I found a new friend a lot of you may know them Echo is joining us today and we're basically gonna just vibe in the server to see how they play, you ready Echo?" He asked. "As I'll ever be." I said.

During game play we were talking and I was building.

"So you have an accent where you from?" George asked. "Ah, I'm from America but I speak fluent Russian so I have an accent." I said. "Can you say something in Russian for us?" Sapnap asked.

I thought quickly.

"Если не считать того, что на самом деле женщина, я считаю себя и боевой вертолет."

(Short of actually being female, I consider myself and attack helicopter.)

The chat was silent.

"Any viewers out there who know what I said...dont...tell them." I laugh.

"That sounded like your brain short circuited!" George laughed. "Well, I mean...I can speak a little French too." I shrugged. "But I wont say anything cause over half my fanbase already hear me speak it and now I have a fanbase of simps." I mentally sweat dropped.

I had music going.

The Attack on Titan opening music was playing.

"I would like to apologize in advance, audience ear rape warning." I said into the mic.

The part came on and at the top of my lungs.


Soon the chat was filled with 'sasageyo'.

"Whay have you done to my stream?!" Dream said. I laughed. "I called out every single weeb in your fanbase." I sighed.

"I like this person, we should game together with them more often." George commented. "You guys think you can handle me?" I said. "We can try." Sapnap added.

My cat jumped up on my desk.

"Stormy no not my voice filters!" I shouted and she pressed the key that turned them off.

"And welcome to a voice reveal...I'm actually a girl haha!" I said awkwardly.

"Wait.....YOUR A GIRL!" Was all I heard. "Yes I'm a girl, what do I need to leave now?" I asked. "No, please dont." Dream said. "Your really good and we like playing with you." Sapnap said. "Ok, I'll stay." I said quietly.

I looked at my Russian blue cat.

"You keep that smug look on your face animal, remember I run your food supply." I point at her. To which she licked my finger.

"Not you scolding your cat." George said. "Hey...I fought a tree for my ex best friend...dont test me." I said pulling the mic closer.

We ended the stream and played a little longer.

The front door downstairs opened.

Kaleb has a morning of classes and then is off the rest of the day.

His footsteps studded up the stairs.

My door opened and he sat next to me.

"Can I quit?" He whined. "Child I am not working 2 part time jobs just for your lazy ass to drop out of highschool, what's your homework today?" I asked. Still focused on my screen.

"Chemistry." He says. "Let me see." I redirected my attention. "Ok, this is easy, your tying the periodic table of elements to the different things in these pictures, like what elements make up that object." I said. "Can you help me?" He asked.

I sighed.

"Pull up a chair, sorry guys. Your gonna listen to me teach chemistry for at least 30 minutes." I said. "Your good, we'll protect you form mobs." Dream said.

I was helping Kaleb and eventually he got done.

"Thanks sis, love you." He kissed my cheek and walked out.

"I feccin hate chemistry." I sighed. "Did you just say-" "Feccin...yes, I live with 2 elementary kids a middle schooler and 2 high schoolers, I cant swear as much as I used to." I said.

We played a little more and then logged off.

I got a message.

Dream: we should meet up

I was working of something random when I got an email.

I opened it up.

I was invited to the upcoming gamet convention here in Orlando.

Its 6 weeks of activities ending with some big gamers gathering to a big arena area to play an epic game of dodge ball. Which I'm a boss at.

It also said that being in the local gamers category I would take in one other gamer which will be provided below so the cost of the hotel wasnt a problem. Considering I live on the side of Orlando with the convention center. And it's almost and hour from the other side of town.

I was reading through and...


I was hosting THE Dream in MY house.


This is happening in June. A month from now.

Dream's P.O.V

I had gotten. the email invite to the gaming convention here.

I was apart of the rooming with local gamers category and scrolled through and found the person.


Because I live on the opposite side of the city I was to stay with her the whole month.

Katherine's P.O.V

It was only May 16th.

We have a lot to do this weekend.

Thay next morning which is Saturday, I got everyone up early.

"Ok, as you all know we ate hosting a gamer for the convention I was invited to, I want all your rooms cleaned and when your done start on the bathrooms then the living room.

I'll cover the kitchen, my room, the sitting room and mud room." I said.

They nodded and we split.

Voice of Reason | Dream x Fem! OCWhere stories live. Discover now