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Back home we went inside and I was greeted by my siblings. 

"Good job sis!" Jared said hugging me. "Oh thanks you guys." I hugged them. 

I put my stuff down and went to the kitchen. 

"Finally an break, new job and new roommate that just also happens to be my boyfriend." I said. "I'm excited to, the past month was crazy." I felt Clay hug me from behind. 

"Wanna go out tonight I know this amazing Russian place." I tilted my head back to look up at him. "That sounds fun." He agreed.  

We went up to our now shared room and I went into my closet to find clothes for the both of us. 

I pulled out my red slavic dress.

I havent worn it since the wedding in russia last year.

One thing I dont like telling people is that I'm family of old russian royalty because people will see me different when I say that.

Granted when we go I can't use my Russian name to get me in places.

I had a name change when we moved here.

I went from Aleksandra Mishkin. To Katherine Falls.

I set out the semi casual clothes I had picked for Clay and did some cutting and stitching to my dress.

And right on it I got a call from my grandmother in Russia.

(I will be writing it in English but pretend it's Russian.)

"Hello grandma." I greeted. "Hello love." She said. "Which cousin is getting married?" I asked. "Your cousin Miroslava." She said. "Oh, is this husband number 4 or 5?" I ask. "I heard its number 6." She gossiped.

I just laughed.

"When do we need to fly out grandma?" I asked. "In 3 weeks, that give you time to pack for a 2 week stay and get passports." She said. "Is it ok if I bring my boyfriend, meet some of the family?" I ask. "Oh I pray for him, everyone is flying out." She said. I laughed.

"Ok grandma see you in 3 weeks." I said. I hung up and picked up Mine and Clay's clothes.

He was laying on the bed.

"Hey...so...wanna go to Russia in 3 weeks?" I ask. "Um what?" He asks. "Yeah, my cousin is getting married and you'll get to meet my family." I smiled. "Sure why not." He said. "Ok, pack for warmth cause it's colder than a witch tit up there." I said throwing clothes at him. "I'll get your ticket and we'll be staying with my grandmother for 2 weeks." I said. "Sounds fun." He agreed. "Good now get ready its almost 6." I said.

We left and I drove. "Now let me do all the talking." I said as we walked in.

Clay's P.O.V

She got us a table.

"Now before we order I will warn you...they like vodka here, personally I'll drink when I want to I have a bottle at home but they use the flavor in their foods." She said.

The waitress came by and ID'd the both of us.

"For a beginner I suggest you the Pelmeni, it's an onion and pork filling and it's really good." She pointed out to me. "Do you like your Russian culture?" I ask. "Oh I love it." She smiled.

Shortly after she ordered for the both of us and our drinks came.

"I ordered the both of us transitional Russian Red Wine, and water, dont worry is amazing." She said wafting her glass.

She was right.

The food and drinks were amazing.

"Ok I'll cover the bill because I said so." She said when the lady handed her the ticket.

The lady came back with a small box and collected her card and the ticket.

"What's the box for?" I asked. "Secret for later." She winked at me.

We left and I offered to drive home.

"Maybe dating a russian girl isnt so bad." I said. "Did you like it?" She asked. "I did and I'm excited to travel with you and your siblings." I said. "Oh I'm so happy, this trip is gonna be fun." She cheered.

We got home and she walked in.

"Guys kitchen please I have a suprise." She called out.

Her sibling all came down and surrounded the kitchen island.

"We just got back I brought back everyone a bit of our culture." She said opening the box.

"ZEFIR!" All her siblings said at once.

She turned to me and handed me one.

"Berry or fruit purée whipped together with sugar and egg whites and quite a bit of agar powder." She grins.

Man...I really am head over heels for this girl.

That evening we layed in bed watching a movie.

She was leaned on me and I was messing with her hair.

"Did you already get tickets?" I asked. "Yep same plane and I managed to get us all together and one for my aunt who's joining us." She said.

"I hope they accept me." I said. "They will, but...you'll have to excuse the vodka intake...back when we used to live there when I was 18 before we left...I used to hang out with friends and one of my old friends got vodka poisoning." She laughed. "Hey you'll get to see them again." I said and looked down at her. "I know I'm excited, and here I got you something." She opened her nightstand drawer.

"Its a guide to speaking Russian it had some basic phrases and some I added that will be useful just remember to have that on you." She smiled and handed me a book. "Thanks." I kissed her head.

We continued the movie in silence and soon she fell asleep.

I messaged my group chat with George and Nick.

Me: Boys...I'm going to Russia in 3 weeks...
G: Why?
Me: Kat has to go for a family event and she asked me to go with...I get experience a Russian wedding
N: dont drink too much
Me: Kat and I arent big drinkers and you know that...plus I dont wanna get lost and drunk in a place I dont know.
G: He has a point.

I turned off my phone and fell asleep along with Kat sleeping soundly next to me.

"Спокойной ночи, Изумруд." I said.

I had read a little bit of the book while watching the movie and I said 'goodnight, Emerald'.

I hope I said it right anyways...

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