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The day we leave for our trip.

2 weeks in Moscow Russia.

"Ok, everyone is packed and had their passports and your carry-ons?"I checked. "Everyone does." Clay said. "Ok, tickets and stuff too, chargers, clay you have the editing and camera equipment too?" I asked. "Camera, laptops, memory cards, usb's, and...camera battery chargers." He said checking everything off that's in his carry-on.

We got to the airport and through security safely.

"Auntie you know your job?" I asked. She nods.

The seats were all in the same section.

Miles, callie, Me
Jared, maria Clay
Kaleb and Auntie

It's a 13 hour flight.

We left early this morning.

Patches and Stormy are with Clay's family.

Clay's P.O.V

I felt Maria nudge my shoulder.

"Let me up and I'll switch with Katherine." She said quietly. I let her pass me and she went to Kat.

After some quiet bickering they got switch and all their things switched.

"13 hours with your favorite person." I said. She smiled at me and put earbuds in.

About 2 hours in the plane was experiencing turbulence.

I felt a hand grip onto mine.

I looked over and Kat had herself tapping her leg looking out the window.

Her hand was gripped on so tight her knuckles were turning white.

"Emerald are you ok?" I took one of her earbuds out. "Just...dont like heights like this." She looked at me.

The turbulence stopped and her hand relaxed.

"We're gonna have fun I know it." I said.

She leaned her head on my shoulder and nodded.

One long 13 hour trip later and a whole 12 hour nap for us later we landed. 

"Ah...home sweet home." She yawned. 

She was right it is cold here.

We made it the  baggage claim where her cousin was supposed to meet us. 

"NIKITA!" She called out. She dropped the bag she was holding and ran.

Katherine's P.O.V

I saw my cousin and took off to him. 

I was embraced in his arms and it was nice. 

"It's been so long." He said speaking English. "Too long." I replied melting into it. 

I lead him to where we were at and he greeted Clay. 

"Nice to see you in person." He held his hand out. 

Clay shook his hand cautiously. 

"Ok, masks and cossack's everyone, it'll be very cold and I'm about to start recording." I turned to all of my siblings. I put mine on and pulled on my cossack. 

My grandmother lives close to the airport so we walked. 

"So...Dream...Your first steps into Russia...how do you feel?" I ask. Our faces were almost fully covered. With masks, cossacks, hoods and ear warmers...no sign of a face reveal. 

"Hey remember that light post we ran into that one time?" My cousin asked. "Yeah, did they ever get around to fixing it?" I asked. "Nope." He laughed. 

I grabbed Clay's hand because I understand this is new for him.

"Ok, before we go inside." I cut the recording. "Everyone remember to keep secrets quiet, grandma likes to gossip, Miles, Callie, and Jared, play with your younger cousins nicely, Maria and Kaleb or should I say Bogdan, you two converse politely." I said. "You promised you wouldn't tell anyone!" Kaleb shouted. I only snickered. "Clay you stay with me, my aunts and uncles are nosy." I said. He nodded. 

I unlocked the door with the key I still have and we all took our shoes off at the door. It's only the polite thing to do. 

(Pretend it's a Russian conversation.)

"My grandchildren!" I heard from a voice. I looked up and saw our grandmother. She grew up doing a lot of house work so she's a twig. 

"Grandma so nice to see you!" I greeted her with a hug. "Guys say hello." I pushed my siblings forward and went back to help Clay. 

"Come on, I'll show the rooms then we can do introductions." I said. 

We set Miles, Jared and Kaleb's things in their room. Callie and Maria are sharing a room. And then me and Clay are sharing a room. 

We started unpacking and I opened a window that had a view of Moscow. 

"Did you grow up in this house?" Clay asked. "Yes, this is my old room that I shared with my sisters." I unpacked into the dresser. "Lots of memories were made here." I sighed and looked out the window. "Your grandma seems nice." He said. "She cared for me more than my own parents did." I said and walked to the window. "This house was the base of my life for many years, the entire left side was rebuilt after the fire, down in the basement was where me and my cousins would sneak vodka every so often, down the street to the right was the way I took to school, my best friend used to live next door, she was a real one that I was sad to leave her behind." I said looking at the view. 

I leaned on the windowsill with my arms crossed under me. I felt hands slip onto my shoulders and slide down my arms. 

"I'm excited to learn more about you, where you came from, your family." He said. "I'm excited too, now lets change and go downstairs, my aunts and uncles and cousins are coming over soon." I looked up at him. 

I picked out clothes for me and helped Clay out since when we're back home he doesn't bother to dress differently than casual clothes. 

"Bogdan, hurry up, fam will be here soon." I kocked on Kalebs door. "Ok, Aleksandra." He mocked. 

I lead Clay down to the kitchen and my grandma joined us. 

Clay's P.O.V

Kat and her grandmother started talking in Russian and I couldn't understand it. But they talked while Kat made tea. 

Her grandmother asked her something and Kat turned red as a tomato. 

I decided not to think much of it. 

Katherine's P.O.V

"So any thoughts on kids with this man?" My grandma asked. We were both speaking russian. 

"GRANDMA....No!" I turned red and Clay gave me a confused look. I waved him off. 

"We've only been together about 2 months grandma, we just started living together, and I still have to finish raising Miles, Callie and Jared, kids and marriage are the last thing on my mind right now." I said while heating the water. "But still, if you did get married, would it be traditional Russian wedding or would you do it the way the Americans do it?" She asked. "Probably a mix, cause I have friends that live across Europe too and since we're all close I would want to invite them." I explained and leaned on the counter. "Child you are 21, not in college and you game for a living, I think you'll be fine." She said. "Well I'm not ready and neither is he, we still have big life things we want to do first." I said. "Ok, I'll drop it, I do like him more than that Marty guy you used to be with." She said. "You do?" I ask. 

We both lean back on the counter and inspect my dirty blonde headed boyfriend. 

"He does care for me more and he isn't in it for the money either." I said. "He's with you cause he loves you." She said. "I know and I love him truly but this is a big step, I met his family now I need you guys to make a good impression on him." I said and turned back to the now boiling water. "Trust your family child, your grandfather would've been proud of you." She said.

I sighed at the though of grandpa. He really loved this family and died at the age of 86 from natural causes. 

I loved this side of my family. 

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