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After the stream I put the papers in the box and put it back under the floor board.

"So, you ssid something about your dads jewlery business, when's that gonna happen?" Clay asked. "Well, I've been thinking of going in and unfreezing all of that soon which means...we'll end up with millions of dollars in the bank that my dad had saved up." I explained. "Hmmm, and the jewlery business?" He asked. "I'm keeping it, itll make good money for out future and if we need to upgrade homes we can." I said.

He came and sat next to me and held my hands.

"Which job are you gonna end up quitting?" He asked. "Both...with how successful the business was, keeping customers wont be a problem." I said.

We went downstairs and Nick was streaming a cooking live.

"Nick if you mess up my cast iron frying pan itll be the last thing you see." I said walking into frame. "Echo...I'm streaming." He said. "I know...and I need food." I said bag and grabbed pretzel chips out of the cabinet. I waved to the chat and walked off.

The convention is starting tomorrow.

Their doing it months earlier because eof scheduled. Luckily I dont have to host anyone this time.

I went to the closet and dug out my merch hoodie for tomorrow.

"So...tomorrow...you know their letting us be at table with other people right?" Clay said joining me in the room. "Yeah, I was thinking we share a table." I smiled. "Yes i like it." He said.

I looked in the mirror and sighed.

"Hey, I'm proud of you, you made it so this far and you are very successful." Clay walked up behind me. "I just...I cant believe that you, one of my favorite streamers ended up with me." I laughed. "Well...I do love you so...your mine now." He put his arms around me.

Clay's P.O.V

I've been planning something big.

On the last day into asked do a live performance of Roadtrip and in was allowed to let one friend perform with me.

I've also been taking this marriage and maybe having a kid thing seriously.

Like if we're gonna do this then...we're gonna do it.

Sure it may have only been almost a year but I dont think she will have a problem with it.

I was gonna do it and hopefully marry her because I love her.

We went to bed that evening an the house was quiet.

I felt Kat lift my arm and sit up. The familiar sound of her back and neck popping came up.

Still half asleep I heard her walk into the bathroom.

She came back after about 30 minutes and layed back down.

"You ok?" I whispered. "Mhm, just go back to sleep." She latched onto me.

The next morning my alarm went off.

"Please shut that thing off." Kay groaned. I reached around and felt for my phone. I turned of the alarm and sighed.

"Convention here we come." I said and sat up.

Kat sat up next to me and yawned.

After getting ready I put my mask on the side of my head and Kat was being knit picky about my hair.

"Your hair is not sitting right." She pulled me down by the collar to fix it.

Nick can down the hall and stopped to laugh.

"Oh shut it ham bone." I growled. "Hey, be nice...that one of you adopted sons your insulting." Kat lightly hit my cheek.

At the convention center which is different this year.

We walked din with Nick and found a table to claim. Then we waited for George so the four of us could be at the same table.

Kat pulled them aside to talk.

Kat's P.O.V

"What up mom?" Nick asked. "Well...so if you havent heard yet, Nicl what happend with the Mark's on his neck...were from more than just what you thought." I said carefully. "Wait...do you and Clay...?" He started. "Mhm, and as a result of that...I'm carrying his child now." I said with suprise hands. "Surprise." I said.

The shock on their faces.

"That's great...have you told him?" George asked. "Not yet...I dont plan on it till the last day of the convention after his live performance." I explained. "Well I'm happy for you, and since I'm still staying with you, I'll help you and Clay with the baby whenever you need it." Nick said hugging me. I hugged back.

"Thank you." I smiled.

We went back one at a time. Me last.

I sat down and sighed.

"Ok...open the doors and let's get this started with the fan greetings." The head of the planning said.

I sat up and picked up a clicking pen.

The doors open and it flooded with people.

"Oh my god, I tried to come last year but didnt make it." I heard from some people.

The lines formed and we got to doing the things we needed to.

"Hey, your the girl from the arcade right?" I asked one girl who came up with her friend. "Oh yeah...that's me." She grinned. I smiled. "Wanna take a picture?" I asked. She and her friend nodded.

I got up and went around the table.

I put an arm around each of them and smiled.

"You guys have a good day!" I waved. "Your such a nice person." Clay nudged me. "I know." I replied.

We got let go for lunch and went into the cafeteria where they were serving.

The smell of food hit me and I wasnt hungry anymore.

"Ugh...I'm not hungry anymore." I mumbled. "At least drink water." Clay handed me a water bottle.

We found a table and were joined by Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, and Niki.

"So they said I could pick one person for my stage performance and I wanted to know if youd do it with me." Clay said starting up casual conversation. "Oh...sure." I smiled. "I feel like we both have grown up and moved on about life." He laughed. "Cheers to that." I said. He tapped hi water bottle on mine. "I didnt mean literally but ok." I laughed.


Yall...only 3 chapter to the end...this story has been so much fun to write and I want to thank my best friend for helping with this...a lot of credit goes to her as in like names and events and feedback. Shes been a real one since I started this.

I will say there will be a book two. And itll be a bit into the future. As in...the two are married and have a kid. Book two will be their life as streamers after kids. And their kids lives...yes you heard it. Multiple.

Things in this the next few chapter are gonna get a little cheesy so prepare yourself.

Thank you for all the support and votes I wasnt so sure about writing this book in the first place but I did and now i dont regret it.

~ Forgotten Soul

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