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We had pretty much vlogged the majority of the trip.

Right now we were sitting outside a cafe.

"So, Dream...Moscow...questions, comments, concerns?" She pointed the camera at my hidden face. "10/10 would recommend." I said. She laughed.

"Ok guys, so I'm thinking that after this we're gonna go walk the Moskva River, and take some pictures, sound good to you?" She looks at me. "Sounds fun." I nod.

Katherine's P.O.V

I turned off the camera and set it down next to me.

"So, do you think we should tell the fans after we get back home?" I asked. "I think so, it's been long enough." He agreed.

I teaches for his hand to which he reached for mine.

"I love you, Clay." I said shyly. "I love you too, Kat." He said. I giggled slightly.

"IS THAT ALEKSANDRA!" I heard a female voice.

I looked to the side and there was my childhood best friend. "Is that Czarina?" I asked.

She waved and hugged me over the small fence out table was next to.

"How have you been?" She asked. "Really good actually, I made a career out of gaming, I got a good job, and I met my lovely boyfriend." I said. "No way!" She gasped. "Yep." I gestured to Clay who waved. "If we're telling updates, I'm engaged." She held her hand out. "Oh that's so pretty!" I looked close. "And guess who it is." She said. "Who is it?" I ask. "Isidor!" She said. "I havent seen him in forever!" I said. "We started dating a year after you moved and he proposed a week ago." She said. "Oh my god I'm so happy for you." I kissed her cheek. "So...." She switched to Russian.

"Whe is he gonna propose?" She asked. "We've only been together a month, not ready yet." I replied. "Is he good to you, unlike that other guy?" She said. "He treats me like a princess." I squealed slightly. "I'm happy for you." She sighed. "He got me this a little while ago." I pulled down the neck on my turtle neck.

Her eye widen.

"Is that an emerald?" She asks. "100%." I said laughing. "He is so good to you." She said.

We switched back to English.

"Clay, this is my childhood best friend Czarina." I introduced them. "Its so good to meet you." She said. "The feeling is mutual." He said. "So...is living with her a nightmare?" She asked him. "I swear child." I held up a fork to her. "Oh an absolute nightmare." He smirked. "Boy do I need to tell her about the time your sister and I hog tied you and threatened you with a fork." I pointed it at him.

He put his hands up in defense.

"Anyways we were gonna go walk the Moskva after this, do you and Isi wanna join us, maybe a double date?" I asked. "For sure I'll let him know." She said.

I hugged her and she walked off.

"I miss that bitch." I sigh. "I'm scared of you again." He said. "Says the one who's dagger glare has power over me." I said and pulled my mask down to sip my tea.

We talked some more and then I payed and we headed out.

"Its nice out today." I said. "It really is." He said.

Women dress nicer in Russia so I was wearing a black dress with a skirt that went down to my knees and my converse. I also had Clay's hoodie on too.

I slipped my hand into his when Czarina and Isidor met up.

"Hey!" I waved to my old friends. "Aleksandra." Isidor greeted me with a hug. "Hows america?" He asked. "Oh it's amazing, I also met this amazing dork." I said hugging Clay's arm.

We walked and Clay and Isidor chatted a little bit.

I was speaking russian with Czarina.

"So, can I expect to be and aunt soon?" I bumped her. "Well, about that." She said and pit her hand on her stomach. "Boy or girl?" I asked.

She pulled me forward creating some distance. "He doesnt know yet, I was wonderi ng if you would plan the gender reveal for me." She said nervously.

I stopped her and turned her to face me.

"Cazrine Komkolof, I would love to." I said and hugged her. "Ok, let's keep walking." She said.

I slipped my hand into hers and we walked.

Clay's P.O.V

The girls were ahead and I was back with Isidor.

"So, hows my best friend doing?" He asked me. "Really good, we had a small run in with her ex but I took care of it." I said. "Good, he was a dick." The man said. "Got any embarrassing stories?" I ask. "Oh boy do I." He laughs.

He started talking.

"Aleksandra, when she was 14 and in the hallways of school she had her jacket off shaking it out, well the girl that used to bully decided to pour milk on her." He said. "And shes lactose intolerant and found it offensive." I added. "Correct so she spun around and her fist went straight into the girls stomach and she got shot back into the wall." He laughed. "I dont see what's embarrassing about that." I said. "She had a 'pour stuff on me' sign taped to her back." He said.

I couldnt contain my laughter.

Katherine's P.O.V

I heard my boyfriends tea kettle laugh and looked back.

"Isi I swear if you told him about the milk incident." I threatened. Isidor shrugged innocently.

I walked up to him and look up at him.

"Aw, what's the shortie gonna do?" He mocked with his height. "Dont make me get the vodka bottle." I pointed. "What's a glass bottle to the head gonna do?" He crossed his arms. "Oh...would you rather me get grandma Mishkin?" I turned away smirking.

But I threw a wink at Clay before I was fully around.

"Please dont get her...I dont know if I can take another lecture." He groaned. "Exactly now come Czarina theres a street band let's go." I turned to the blonde girl.

She nodded and we took off a little ways ahead.

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