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We took my car cause its only the two of us.

"You drive a nice car." Clay said from the drivers seat. He insisted he drives. "Well, gotta make my short self look intimidating." I said.

He pulled I to a driveway and parked.

"You ready?" He looked at me. "No, but I dont have a choice now." I inhaled deeply and then let the air out.

He got to the door and unlocked it.

"Guess who's home for a visit!?" He said excitedly.

While he greeted his family I notice a cat rub up on my leg.

"And this is Katherine." He said. I snapped back to reality. "Huh, oh sorry, hello nice to meet you." I smile politely. "I'm sorry I zoned out, force of habit." I said nervously. "Kat...what did I say about apologising so much?" Clay said. "I'm sorry...frick...dont mind me." I awkward laughed.

There was a girl about 14 or 15.

(I'm using Drista for the sake of privacy.)

"Kat, this is my mom, my dad, and my sister." He introduced me. "5 minutes later an actual introduction." I grumble. "My bad." He put his arms up. "Dont forget that one thing only I know...I have blackmail you wouldnt begin to imagine I have." I side glare. His eyes widen.

"No no, I'm sorry, pleas please spare me." He hugged around my shoulders. "Calm down, I dont blackmail unless its necessary." I laugh patting his shoulder.

"So you two dating or?" The girl asked. "Yeah about that, mom, dad this is my girlfriend we met over a stream and I've been with her for the last month for the convention." Clay said not letting me go. "Um...please let me go." I looked back at him. He looked down on me.

"Just cause I'm short doesnt mean you get to look down on me." I said and kicked my heel into his shin.

"Dear, I think you'll fit in just fine." His mother smiled laughing a little bit.

Clay lead me up to his old room and we got organized.

"Bathroom is down the hall and the second door on the left." He said. I nodded.

"Are you ok?" He asks stopping. "My nerves are just...getting to me again." I said.

He came up and hugged my from behind.

"Emerald...you dont need to be nervous." He said. "I'm pretty sure someone who has my face makes bad first impressions 100% of the time." I said looking at myself in the mirror he had up. "Baby...just calm down, if you get too nervous we can take a walk ok?" He said. I nodded.

"Now, come on, they wanna get to know you." He leaned off me.

He headed to the door and I ran and jumped on his back. "I never said-" I cut him off. "Blackmail." I said. "Yes ma'am." He adjusted my legs and continued to the living room.

He sat me on the couch and his family was scattered across the living room.

"So, tell us about yourself." His dad said.

"Well, I'm also a gamer, I live with my 5 siblings, I did color guard in highschool...I'm sorry I'm not good at this." I laughed and my hand scrunched up.

I felt one slip into it a thumb rub the back of my hand.

"Its ok, tell us about your parents." His mother said. "Oh...um...my mom was a magazine photographer and my dad was head of a jewlery company which gets transferred to me when I turn 24." I explained. "Was?" His mom asked again. "They...died in a car crash last year." I looked at the floor.

I felt Clay squeeze my hand.

"Oh I'm so sorry." She held her hand to her heart. "Its fine, I'm not that emotional about it." I wave it off. "Can I ask about..." His sister started. "My face, yes you can." I smiled. "What happened?" She asked. "House fire...my mom was cooking and when it started they...sorta forgot about me but got my other siblings." I said laughing it off as a joke.

We talked more and then his mother went to the kitchen to work on dinner.

"How am I gonna explain myself appetite?" I whisper. "You can be honest with them Kat." Clay said. I nodded slightly.

We all sat around the table to eat.

"This looks amazing." I compliment. "Oh it's nothing really." His mom said.

Halfway through dinner my phone rang I looked down it was Kaleb.

"Excuse me, it my brother." I excused my self to the other room.

Clay's P.O.V

"Shes insecure about a lot of things." I explained. "Clay, shes lovely." Mom said.

"HE WHAT?!" Was heard from the other room.

Panicked I rushed in with my family in tow.

"I'll be right there...you said the peir?" She said with a dead tone in her voice.


"Go back now." I pushed my fmaily bac km into the dining room.

Kat came in with a fake smile.

"I need to make a run, my sister needs me at the beach...I'll be back soon." She said politely.

The door shut I ran my hands through my hair obviously stressed.

"This isnt good." I mumble to myself and start pacing. "So...its probably Maria then...cause Callie was fine before we left...Maria was out with her boyfriend...oh my god..." I stopped my mumbling. "Clay...what's wrong?" My sister asked.

I immediately ran to my room and grabbed my phone.

"Please pick up." I paid through the house.

"What happened?" My mom asked. "I'm trying to stop a murder." I said and eventually she answered.

"Oh, Kat, thank god, what happened?" I asked. "Bradly slapped Maria...and then he proceeded to rape her." She ssid stone cold. I froze.

I had gotten closer to her siblings of the month and I understand.

"Make sure to leave some for me when we see him in public next time." I said. "Will do." She said and hung up.

"What was that all about?" My dad asked.

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