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Its currently Monday of the last week we're here.

"Clay, can you...help me?" She asked. She was reaching for something but was too short.

I walked up behind her and held it just above her her teaching point.

"What's the magic key?" I asked. "Give me the damn cake pan you beanpole." She squinted. "Nope." I said. "I seriously need it before this stuff separates." She pointed to the cake batter bowl.

I shook my head.

"Fine, you win." She said. She grabbed my collar and pulled me down to kiss her.

When she let me go I put the pan down between us.

"Your cake pan princess." I said. "Yeah keep that smug look when I break your ankles." She snatched it out of my hand.

"Whoa, did you get caffine this morning?" I ask. "No no I didn't because SOMEONE," She glared at Nikita, "Kept calling my phone on repeat till I woke up...to make him food." She said with a dagger glare. "To be fair...I was hungry." He said.

She rolled her eyes and started pouring cake batter.

I notice she had been eating a little less than her normal small portions.

I'll ask about it later.

Come to think of it, she has been acting a little weird too.

"Ok, cake pan into the oven." She said and then set the bake time.

We were in the sitting room watching a movie.

"Clay, would you get my hair brush so I can braid my hair?" She asked. "Sure." I said and got up.

I went into the bathroom and found her brush.

On the counter was a bottle it caught my eye.

I backed up and picked it up.

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors

Prescribed to Katherine Falls

To be taken once a day by mouth.

Shes on panic disorder medication.

"That explains the insomnia and drowsiness." I mutter reading more on it.

The amount of milligrams in each pill.

She never told me about this.

I heard footsteps enter the room.

"Hey, you good you've been gone a....while." She stopped when she saw me.

I looked up at her and my hands fell to my sides.

"Why didnt you tell me?" I said softly. She didnt respond anything other than look away. "Kat I need you to tell me these things." I said. "Clay...with how busy our lives are and add your ADHD ontop of your schedule it didn't seem like it would've mattered in the long run." She said.

I sighed and walked up to her.

"Katherine Aleksandra Falls Mishkin." I said using all of her names. "I need to know about these things...its easy to get addicted to these and I want to make sure your ok." I said pulling her into a hug. "I need to know my baby is ok, your my top priority." I said.

I felt her subtle jolts she does when she cries.

"I'm sorry." She sobbed. "Shhh, its ok...I'm not mad I just wish you would've told me so I can help you." I said. She looked up at me. "This doesnt change how I see you and it never will, you are the literal light of my life and I don't want something like this to be kept secret from me." I said. "You can tell me anything and especially if you get put on medication...I knew about your OCD from the start but I needed to know about your panic disorder as well." I said.

She gripped onto my shirt tightly.

"I'm sorry." She whispered. I put the two things on the counter and hugged her tightly.

"Find me if you ever feel a panic attack coming on, ok?" I said. She nodded.

I need to start taking notes on her behaviour.

I do know that she starts cleaning vigorously when shes stressed out. And when shes had an average anxiety attack she switched from red bull to white claws.

And there are no white claws in this house. No caffeine either.

I held onto her and felt her start to shake and stiffen up.

I carried her to the bed and layed down holding her close to me.

"Breathe." I said softly. She was having one right now.

Things that usually acalm her down are her she asks me to sing to her.

Something came to mind that was unusual. The day she found my song she proceeded to tell me she loved it and wanted to hear me sing it without the voice overlapping effect.

Granted...it was written about growing up and moving on but...it'll work in this scenario.

"People change like the tides and the ocean, at least I think or am I dead wrong?" I started softly. Her head lifted slightly to uncover her ears.

"Foot on the brake at the light I dont notice, I sit and wait until the next song." It fell out like it was natural.

Her arms wrapped around my torso and her face still wasnt visible.

"20 hours, in an old van, up the east coast, through the cold wind, drove 20 hours by the ocean, up the east coast what a roadtrip." I finished and finally her head made it to my shoulder.

She didn't look at me and I didnt need to look at her to know what was going through her mind.

When Marty found out about her medication...but in her story she said he found something else.

"What the hell is this?" He growled. "Um...my...medication..." She stuttered.

He walked up and grabbed her wrist tightly.

"No girlfriend of mine is to be medicated its embarrassing and DISGUSTING THAT YOU HAVE THOSE KINDS OF PROBLEMS!" He shouted at her. "Please...not so hard." She tried to pull her arm back.

He only held tighter.

"Marty...it hurts." She whined. "NO ONE TOLD YOU YOU COUL SPEAK!" He yelled again.

He used the force of her arms and threw her onto the floor then walked out.

He left her in state of panic and pretty much flushed her medication because of how embarrassing he found it.

I felt her start to shake another wave of tears threatening to spill.

"Hey, I'm here...its ok." I said quietly letting her adjust to my voice.

She clung to my side and I finished song out and soon...that put her to sleep.

Voice of Reason | Dream x Fem! OCWhere stories live. Discover now