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"No...no do not shell me you piece of trash!" I shouted. "Eat it Echo." He laughed.

???'s P.O.V

"Hey, you think their dating?" "I wouldnt read too much into it, they just started streaming together." "Yeah but the way they've interacted with eachother, and shes here out of nowhere." "Well...maybe, but if they are they havent told anyone for a reason." "Guess your right...but they would be cute together." "You are so right." My friend and I said.

We went into the comments and got people to start spamming Dream x Echo.

Dream's P.O.V

The chat star tr d getting spammed with Dream x Echo. And in emojis its 💚x💜.

"Hey people are shipping us." I nudged her. "Pft, last time I dated someone he didnt appreciate my success and tried to ruin my image." She said still focused. "Honestly, I'm amazed at how successful you are." I said. "Really, most dont like that fact that I'm a successful female gamer." She said. "Well they dont know you know a personal level so they can suck it." I said.

I look next to me watching her try not to laugh.

"Good lord your funny." She smiled.

We played a little while longer.

"And that's it for today guys remember if your in the area we are in Orlando for the World Wide Gamers Convention, 6 weeks to come see us and then watch the big fight live on anyone's channel root for me not this guy." She said exiting the game. "Uh, no, root for me not her." I said. "Boy if you dont shut your trap I'll take your bed." She stuck her tongue out at me. "I thought we were friends." I said with a fake offended tone. "Get played like the cheap kazoo you are." She said slightly smirking.

I just smirked and sighed.

"Anyways, as I was saying be sure like and subscribe so I can keep making videos for all you lovely people of the internet, Echo out." And with that she stopped the stream.

"I'm bored." She said after 30 minutes. "Well, its 9 pm." I said.

She sat up.

"Come on, we're going to Target." She said.

Confusing but ok.

We parked in the parking lot and went inside.

"Why are we here?" I asked. She grabbed my arm and pulled me over to some of the isles.

This is that one Target with 3 floors and the registers on the bottom floor.

"Late night Target shenanigans." She said.

She pulled me up next to her and snapped a selfie.

She did some editing and scribbled out our faces.

When we decided to head back we were halfway there and her phone rang.

"K Falls phone how can I help you?" She said. "Oh, really...ok, I'll be there soon." She said.

We took a sharp turn and she hung up.

"My brother tried to steal a boat." She said.

We pulled up to the police station.

Katherine's P.O.V

We got out and walke inside.

"Hello, my name is Katherine Falls, here for Kaleb Falls." I handed the lady my ID. "He'll be right out." She said and handed my ID back.

I noticed some of his friends sitting in the waiting room.

I sat down and Dream sat next to me.

"Yes my name is Katherine, you can call me Kat or Kath." I said. "My names Clay." The blonde said next to me.

I noticed them bring my brother out and hand him his stuff.

I walked up to him and he couldnt meet my eye.

"Kaleb Falls..." I started. He met my eyes finally.

"You should've called me." I sighed. "Your not mad?" He asked. "I'm mad because you didnt call me, Kay." I put my hand on his arm.

His friends notice and tried to come up to us.

"Aht, which one of you is the cause for my brother to be drunk?" I said keep my brothers eyes.


I turned my head with a dagger glare that made the lady at the desk shutter.

"Wait till I call your mothers and tell t he m exactly what you did, and no you can't be around him, you arent allowed to come over and he wont be allowed over ever again because of this, you should be ashamed of yourselves." I scowled.

"Come Clay." I said now pushing my brother to the door.

We got in the car and it was quiet.

Before we pulled out I reached over into the glove compartment.

"Hold this." I put a wayerbottle Clay's hands. I opened a bottle of tylenol.

I passed a does back to Kaleb and the water.

"Best to take it now so the hangover isnt as bad in the morning."CNN I said and started driving.

Clay's P.O.V

As she was driving I notice tears brimming in her eyes and he knuckles turning white.

"Kaleb, I'm not mad, but I am upset, I dont want you to make same mistake I did when I was 17." She said. The street lights reflection revealed tears down her cheeks. "I know, I'm sorry, and I'm sorry to you too." He apologized to both of us.

We pulled up to the house and went inside.

Kat hugged her brother and he hugged back.

"Now, get to bed you idiot." She sniffed and set him up.

We went to the kitchen and she pulled out a White Claw.

"You ok?" I asked. "Just stressed." She yawned.

I put an arm around her and she leand her head on my shoulder. I layed my head on hers.

"Wanna match for the convention tomorrow?" She said after a drink. "Why not." I agreed.

We went u ppl to her room and she collapsed on the bed.

"Come on, I'm not a bed hog." She pulled me down.

She shifted so she wa son her back and I was laying on her.

"You comfortable with this?" I ask. "Yeah, dont sweat it." She yawned.

We talked a little more and eventually both fell asleep.

Voice of Reason | Dream x Fem! OCWhere stories live. Discover now