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Our 'stay in day' was actually fun. We had the house to ourselves. 

"What are you doing now?" I leaned on the kitchen island. "I am making homemade pastries." She said. "Do I get try said pastries?" I asked. "Maybe." She said. "Bet you would taste better." I said slyly. "Hmm...let me know how that works out for you." She said dashing passed me and leaving a quick but sweet kiss on my lips. "You are such a tease." I laugh. "But you love me." She said acro climbing a counter top. "Well...I do." I sigh in defeat. 

She jumps down bowl in hand and looks up. 

"You know, just for that I'm putting rat poisoning in your pastry." She points a whisk at me. "Ok, Yoonbum." I laughed. She looked at me with this excited look. "Yes I read over your shoulder when your reading your manga." I said. "I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!" She shouts. "Don't forget to breathe." I reminded her. 

She smiled and turned back to the counter. 

"Lets see where did grandma put the damn thing?" She opened a cabinet door. "Wait, I know where its at." She came over to me. 

She made shooing motions with her hands and I stepped back. She rolled up the rug and opened the floor boards. "Found it." She stuck her arm down into the floor and pulled out a cook book. 

As she was baking and making pastry dough she pulled a Monster out of the fridge. 

"Need caffeine." She stopped. 

She was rolling out the dough and cutting it into shapes. 

I decided to mess with her and got a small handful of flour. 

I stood quietly behind her. 

"Hey, can yo-" 

I cut her off by throwing flour in her face. 

She went silent. 

"You motherfucker." She wiped flour out of her eyes. "I love you?" I shrugged and she reached into the flour bag. "You are very funny." She laughed. 

She had that look in her eyes. 

That look that tells you that you fucked up. 

She pulled out a mound of flour in her hand. 

I backed up. 

"Oh come on now...don't be scared." She said eerily. 

Fuck...that's her manhunt voice...I'm screwed. 

I was met with flour in my face. 

"I love you?" She shrugged mocking me. "I so desperately want to throw water on you." I said. "Don't even think about it." She said blocking the sink. 

I got more flour and threw it hitting her shirt this time. 

She got another handful and aimed it at me. 

"Flour fight bitch." She growled. "It is on." I said. 

Katherine's P.O.V

I squinted and hopped on the counter. I got more flour and got it in his hair. 

He got it on my legs.

I'm glad grandma has flour by the pound.

I got off the counter and chased him around the kitchen with flour getting hit a couple times myself. 

"I will get you!" I shouted. "Not a chance!" He shouted back. 

I turned to the counter to get more flour and I feel a presence behind me. 

"Emerald~" He said into my ear. It sent shivers down my spine. 

"Hey..." I put the flour back in the bag. "Whatcha doing?" He asked. 

His tone of voice he's using is hot as fuck. 

I felt his hands get placed on my hips and slide further up. 

He breathed down my neck and I shivered 

"Be careful..." I said quietly. "I won't let it escalate too far." He said and kissed my neck. 

He turned me around and kissed me. 

I put my hands behind me on the counter top edge and pushed myself up onto the counter.

"Hey...not so...intense." He trailed down my neck. "Clay...don't get too into it." I used my hand to pull him back up to my face. 

He sighed. 

"Emerald...do you trust me?" He put his hands on my cheeks. "Yes." I held onto his wrists. "I wont let it escalate to anything more ok?" He met my gaze. I smiled and leaned into his hand. "Ok." I said. 

He kissed my again and it was a fight for dominance. 

His hands were there to make sure I didn't fall or hit my head on the upper cabinets. 

He traced down to my neck again and I managed to get my hands tangled into his hair. 

I had my head tilted to the side a little bit. 

My phone rang. 

"Do I have to stop now?" He asked. "No." I said and answered my aunt. 

Speaking in complete Russian. 

"Auntie Nadia, I'm...kinda busy." I said readjusting my position. "I know you might be but I was wondering if you would do me a favor?" She asked. "Mhm." I hummed trying to hold back any noise I would've made. "I need you to set out the measuring tape for your cousins dress." She said. "I'll...ahem...get right on that." I said when he moved down to my collar bone. "Are you ok, you sound sick." She asked. "No I can assure you I'm nOt sIck." My vocal range going up a little bit. 

His hands were cold under my shirt. 

"Do we need to call a doctor?" She asked. "Auntie...I'm fine...I uh...burned my hand baking." I lied. "Ok...is there breathing?" She questioned. "No, its not breathing." I said quickly. 

He found my sensitive spot. 

"Um, can I call you again later?" I ask. "Ok, goodbye dear." She hung up. 

I let out the breath I had been holding. 

"We good?" He asked. "I got us a few hours." I sighed. He smiled into my neck and continued to abuse his power over me. 

Clay's P.O.V

Her squirming underneath me was too cute. 

She put her mouth over her hand to muffle any noise she would've made.  

I grabbed her hand and pulled it away. 

"Baby...I wanna hear you~" I said. "Don't go too far." She reminded me. "I know." I said. 

She let me continue. 

There was flour everywhere and I was only focused on making her happy. 

"How...are you good at this?" She asked quietly. "Natural talent." I said.

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