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The smile that formed when I saw him.
( т ̫ т)♡

The two young boys run around the beach. The beige sand kissing their small bare feet.

"Stop running before you fall!" The 6 year old boy yells with freight, while the youngest, a 4 year old, ignores his remark. The four year old continuing his journey through the sand.


"Romie!" Pick yells while running to the younger. Worry evident in his facial expression and body language.

"Pick, i hurts my fwut" the younger let a few tears cascade from his soft chocolate eyes.

"Don't cry romie, you know I don't like it when you cry" Pick desperately tries to calm the younger down, but nothing to his avail. Instead of helping, the younger cries harder than before.


The sound of a soft smack is heard. Rome stops crying immediately due to shock. He forgets about his hurt knees and lightly touches his lips, his fingers dragging against his soft pink lips.

"Pick! I twod you no to give me mhua's anymore! My fwace gets rweally rwed and Mae and Por always ask!" Pick's cheeks turn a crimson red when the youngest speaks. His eyes immediately look away, eyes wandering elsewhere, anywhere that doesn't have the view of an angel in front.

"I'm sorry romie but you kept crying. Please don't tell auntie and uncle" Pick looks down, body filled with fear. The parents of the two children were close friends, best friends.

"Okay but no more mhua, Mae ask me why my fwace is vwry rwed when you gwive me a mhua last time" pick smiled and hugged Rome tightly, his body relaxing into the touch. It felt like. Home.

The last time pick gave Rome a kiss was a few days ago, when Rome and his clumsy self fell while running once again. The only thing that came to mind to keep the younger quiet was to kiss his soft lips.

"Thank you romie! thank you so so so much romie! I promise I won't give you mhua's" Rome smiled and got up, his legs pained a little but it was getting a little better. The two boys walk back to the beach house.

"Omg Rome!" Rome's mother yells. "What happened to your knees?" Rome's mother crouches down to examine the bloody knee.

"Romie fell while running, auntie" Pick explained while walking to the said adult.

"Oh Rome how many time must I tell you not to run." Rome pouted after his mother was done cleaning the wound. "Go to your room I will bring your lunch up, also children don't forget to pack your things we're leaving tomorrow morning" Rome just nodded and Pick voices a 'yes auntie.'

"Mae is mwad at me" Rome said, his soft lips curving into a frown. Rome was a very sensitive child. He tried to hold his tears back. "Romie don't cry, auntie was just trying to tell you to be better. Don't cry romie please" Rome stopped the tear when he heard a faint sob come from the older. Pick hates when Rome would cry. Just imagining the view of Rome crying, hurt pick deeply.

"Don't cwy pick me stop crying see." Pick looked up and seen Rome stopped crying. Rome took the chance to wipe the tears from the older. He gave him a long hug also.

The two stopped hugging and stared at each other for a few seconds. The two then began to pack their clothes. The two were almost done until Rome stopped and looked at pick.


"Yes Rome?" Pick says while folding his clothes, he might be young but he is a very advanced child.

"Can you pwomise me something?"

"Yes romie, what is it?"

"Never leave romie" Rome looked at his feet, Pick went up to Rome and hugged him tightly.

"I promise" the elder whispered in Rome's ears, while hugging him tightly 'I promise you'

-The promise

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