006 | YAWN

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𝐕𝐈. Yawn
The stars remind me of what I don't have.

"Boys!" Pick's mother yelled from below.

Pick yawned and looked at the time, 6:30 in the morning. He gets up but to his surprise he can't. He looks to his side and sees Rome hugging him tightly. He shakes Rome a little.

"Rome it's time to get up." Rome still didn't wake. "Rome~ wake up~" instead of waking up Rome snuggled closer. "Romie!!!" Pick said while kissing Rome awake and to his luck Rome woke up.

Rome let out a soft sweet yawn.

"Wake up." Pick smiled, pick got up and went to get ready. Rome did the same.

After about half an hour the two boys went down stairs, they ate breakfast and then went to get their book bags.

In the room Rome got his book bag, but pick stopped him. "Wait!" Pick took Rome's book bag and took out Rome's home work and quickly changed the answers. "There" Rome was confused but just nodded.

Pick's mother drops the boys off at school.

"Can I walk you to class?"

"Pick you always ask and my answer will always be the same"

Pick smiles and starts to walk Rome to class. Pick drops Rome off and walks to class.

"Pick! Where were you?" Lily asked

"I walked Rome to class" he said smiling.

"Ahh okay." Lily said and the two sit while class starts.


"Where are you going pick?" Lily asked

"I have to go to Rome."

I promised I wouldn't forget him' pick says and runs to Rome's classroom.

"Why are you sweaty?" Rome asked once he walks out of class

"I-How was class?" Pick asked, not wanting to tell Rome he had just ran from across the other side of the building to get to him.

"It's was great but MATH! Why do we have to learn math? It's boring and hard" pick smiles while the two boys walk to the car rider line.

Pick walks out and sees Rome's mother car. He walks Rome to his car and opens the door for him.

"Thank you pick." She says with a smile

"Oh of course. It was nothing anyways." He says shyly.

"Well goodbye pick. Tell your mother we will go over Saturday." She says with a soft smile and pick nods. She drive away and a few minutes later pick's father comes.

"How was class, Rome?"

"It's was good mommy." He smiles

"Want to go get ice cream?" She asked and Rome nodded.

The two go to a ice cream shop. While waiting for their ice cream Rome speaks up.


"Yes Rome?"

"Do you think pick will ever hate me?" Rome said as the Ice cream arrives at the table, he starts to eat slowly

"No why would you think that?" She was beyond confused

"Well, I feel like I make pick sad?"

"Oh Rome dear. There's something that you two have, and sooner or later you two will know what that is. Your father and I know exactly what it is, but no matter what you do rome, always and I mean always. Say sorry to pick. Even if you feel like you shouldn't or can't, if you did something wrong tell him your sorry, and he should do the same."


"Yes Rome?" Rome looks at his mother and speaks up

"I love you."


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