034 | REGRET

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ปัญญา (wisdom)
( т ̫ т)♡

Week 27

"Are you surprised?"

"Why would I be surprised?" Rome questioned, while pick rubbed Rome's body with soap.

"What I mean is, do you regret anything?" Pick said in a small voice.

"Regret?" Rome repeated and started to think. "No, I don't regret anything? Why? Do you?" Rome closed his eyes while pick rubbed soap into his hair.

"I don't. I'm happy I am happy it's a girl and boy." Pick washes the soap off of Rome's hair. Then starts to wash the soap off of Rome's body.

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Of what my love?" Pick gently rubbed Rome's tummy. Rome gets out the tub while pick hands him a towel. Rome wrapped himself and walked to the bedroom sitting on the bed.

"It all seems so much like a dream."

"And your afraid it'll end?" Pick asked while walking to Rome with clothes in his hands.

"Yes." Rome said slowly, letting pick help him dry off. Pick getting every chance to kiss the bare skin.

"Don't think that way, love. I'm always here for you as you are here for me. Wether this is a dream or not. I'll always be here for you. Nothing can change that fact." Rome smiled and pick kisses his lips.

Then the two slept.

( т ̫ т)♡

"My love" I say while kissing his head. I lift him up and twirl him. Kissing his face ever so gently.

"Stop pick" he giggled out. I kiss him more and more, hugging him so he never leaves my embrace. I let him go and finally look him in the eyes our eyes holding each other's gaze.

"Rome." I said seriously. His eyes softening. I held his face in my hands

"Yes pick?" He questioned, his eyes fallowing my every move

"Will you marry me?"

( т ̫ т)♡

"I'm hungry. Can you make me a bowl of fruit? Also something with rice, something mostly using brown rice." Rome asked from the couch. Ms. Kwanjai nodded and made the foods Rome asked for.

Rome laid on the couch, his mother and mother in law, telling his not to stand for too long during this time of his pregnancy, but to also exercise a lot. It confused the male but he agreed nonetheless. He would move a lot some days and other just lay in bed.

"Ms. Kwanjai has pick woken up yet?" Rome questioned. She poked her head from the kitchen and worded out a no.

"When is your dad going to wake up? I want my feet massaged" Rome questioned to his unborn children. A soft kick coming as a response. Rome smiled holding his tummy. "My feet look so fat." Rome said while moving his feet.

"They are not fat, they're just swollen. It will happen when you're pregnant." A soft voice was heard, then a kiss was planted on Rome's cheek. Pick sat at the other end of the couch and began to massage the swollen feet of Rome. Rome laid his head back, pick slightly shook the younger and gave him a pillow to lay his head on.

"Why did you wake up so late? It's unusual." Rome said, his eyes closed. He began to feel a lot better.

"Nothing my love just tired, and my head was running with many thoughts." Pick said, now moving onto the left foot.

"About what?" Rome sat up when Ms. kwanjai came with the plate of fruit.

"Us, us getting married in the future." Rome looked at pick and smiled. His heart beating a bit faster, marriage? It was something he thought about from time to time. Pick wanted to get married in the future....

"I would like that but don't you think we should wait? Maybe when the kids are a bit older? They could be the ones throwing the flowers." Pick kissed Rome's lips, he tasted the strawberry flavor.

"That would be perfect." Pick said with a smile.

-The promise

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