003 | COVER

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Your soft kiss that wakes me from slumber, you're my fairytale
( т ̫ т)♡

"Boys wake up! It's time to go" the mother's called from below. The two boys woke up, their hair in different positions, their soft eyes sleepily opening. Pick went to the restroom to clean up. While Rome sat up in bed for a while, he yawned then walked to the restroom also, his toothbrush already filled with paste, thanks to pick.

"Rome. You have a little bit toothpaste on your lips" pick wiped the paste off with his thumb and looked back at the mirror.

"Okay boys get your things" the two got their bag and went down to the car. The boy's handed their small luggage to their fathers.

"How did you boys sleep?" Rome's father asked, while putting the objects in the car.

"I slept well uncle." Pick said with a smile

"I swept amwazing!" Rome chuckled pick smiled at the 4 year old.

"Good, now get in so we can get home faster." Pick's father said.

"Okay father." Pick said slightly unhappy, he didn't want to leave the vacation home, and worst he didn't want to leave rome. He would definitely miss the younger male. Tomorrow would be the start of a new time for him and now that time didn't really give him moments to be with Rome.

The family started to head back home. Leaving the relaxing beach house. While Rome and pick looked back at the vanishing beach house in the view.

( т ̫ т)♡

The two family's made it back. Rome's family was the first to be dropped off. Pick's father helping to take out the luggage. Pick's family soon drove back home. The two lived in the same neighborhood but sadly not very close.

"Pick you know tomorrow is the first day of school." Picks mother said from the passenger seat.

"Yes......yes mother...." pick looked out the window. A small glint of fear radiating his body.

"Don't get scared champ you'll do great." His father spoke, watching him from the mirror.

What if no one likes me'

"....okay" the car stopped and everyone got out, pick's father took the things out.

Pick walks up to his room, he lays on his bed and he pulls a book from under his cover. A smile forming at his lips.

'Album book' reads the name of the book

He opens up the book and looked at the family photos, he sees a picture of just him and Rome. He smiles. He remembered the day as if it was yesterday. Pick would always smile and small things Rome did and well, this picture was indeed just a small gesture but Rome was on his tip toes trying to be taller than the older boy.

"Pick time for lunch!" His mother calls from below, pick places the album book on his bed and walks out.

"Coming" he quickly runs back hiding the book and walking down stairs. His smile never faltering while he enjoys his time at dinner.

-The promise

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