035 | MILK

706 41 2

White blood
( т ̫ т)♡

Week 29

It was already month 7, only 2 more months left until they can see the twins. His family was so happy and bought so many things for the two.

Pick was starting to fix the room, for the two. Sadly Rome wasn't here, he was at work. Pick had one side pink and the other blue.

A crib that was white and full of teddy bears. While the other was a mint green and full of stuffed animals. Pick was beyond happy. He was ecstatic. Pick went down to make some food for Rome for when he got home, he was so busy cooking he hadn't notice the door open. Rome was watching his lover cook. Pick dancing to the music while cooking

"Your dad is so weird" Rome chuckled when he felt a small kick then another from the opposite side. "Look at him cook" he felt another kick. "Fine fine, I'll stop being mean" Rome chuckled quietly.

He sat at the table and watched pick, pick looked at Rome and looked back, then looked at him again shocked. "When did you get here?"

"About 10 minutes ago" Rome shrugged and kissed pick's lips. "I'll help with the food" Rome said but pick refused

"No my love go sit I'm cooking today"

After dinner, Rome went to shower and to his surprise the Tub was already made with warm water, and a few rose petals, so that's the reason pick finished eating faster. Rome smiled. Pick really was a sweetheart. "Want me to wash your hair?" The elder questioned kissing Rome's head, while a soft hand rubbed on the watermelon baby bump.

"Yes." Rome said with a smile, he took his shirt off but needed help for his pants. His tummy was very big and he couldn't see much below that.

Pick helped Rome's into the tub, pick was very gentle, he didn't want Rome to fall or worst. Once pick helped Rome in, he put some soap on the younger's head. Rome smiling at how gentle yet comforting this felt. "Are you in pain anywhere?" Pick questioned, his fingers softly rubbing into the younger's head.

"My shoulders hurt a bit but other than that I'm okay." Rome said his eyes closed. He was enjoying the way pick was treating him. Pick washes the soap off of Rome and massaged Rome shoulders.

"You're ethereal, love" pick said while pecking Rome's neck.

After the bath, Rome got out and pick helped him. Rome sat on the bed while pick found him his favorite sleeping wear.

The couple laying in bed, Rome on his side while pick on his back. The two just laid in the comfortable silence, they both closed their eyes listening to the wind outside and the crickets. It was a relaxing night.

"I love you pick." Rome said softly.

"I love you also." Pick said facing Rome. He placed a kiss on Rome's lips. He then placed a kiss on Rome's tummy. "I love you kids." Pick said and Rome felt two soft kicks. A smile spreading, while he let his fingers wonder through pick's hair.

This moment was everlasting. This moment would be cherished deeply by Rome.

-The promise

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