038 | PIM & ROSE

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Beauty isn't just on the outside, it's also on the inside.
( т ̫ т)♡

Sleep was becoming a big problem for the poor younger. Rome would complain about not being able to sleep but still worked through it, the bigger the tummy got Rome just smiled and rubbed his hand. His twins would be born soon.

Pick helped Rome so much. Pick would help Rome to the restroom or rub his feet whenever Rome wanted him too. Rome would always smile at how pick would talk to the kids. He always wanted to talk to them or would just sit on the floor beside Rome to feel a small kick. Rome wouldn't complain.

Rome would usually clean the baby room.

Rome was sitting in the chair in the room, it was a wooden rocking chair. Pick was a big help through out the entire pregnancy. Even when moments got hard pick never complained. No matter how upset Rome was or how mad he would get, pick was always there on his side. Rome felt small tears fall from his eyes. Rome is lucky to have pick just as pick is lucky to have Rome.

Pick walked I to the room with a cup of tea and some cookies for Rome. Pick had a huge smile on his face, that was until he seen Rome in tears, he quickly put the cup and plate on the table beside and held Rome's hands.

"What's wrong love? Are you hurting? Should we call the doctors? Rome? Love? Answer me." Rome just starred at pick and cried. He hugged pick tightly.

"I love you pick so so much" pico rubbed his back and smiled

"I love you too. Why are you crying love?" Rome sniffed and pick wiped his tears.

"I just really love you and I'm lucky to have you" pick kissed Rome on the lips

"You're lucky? I'm more luckier. I have an amazing boyfriend, I'm going to have twins, what more could I wish for? I'm the luckiest person on the world to have such a wonderful family." Rome kisses pick and stayed hugging him. "Stop crying love. You need to eat. Do you want me to feed you? I can do a chu chu sound." Rome chuckled and disagreed.

"You're so childish and dumb." Rome said while wiping his tears

"I'm your dummy." Pick said with a big smile. Rome playfully hit his shoulder.

"So annoying." Rome smiled. "Oh~" Rome felt two kicks and smiled "I'm sorry for insulting your dad." Another kick. Pick felt the soft kicks and smiled.

( т ̫ т)♡

"Pick, Mae! Por!" Rome yelled, his hand gripping the counter top "PICK!" Rome yelled louder, he heard the footsteps. Rome slightly held his tummy and could feel his legs wet.

"Rom-." Everyone seen the puddle of water on Rome and quickly helped him to the car. Pick's father grabbed the birth bag and going to his car.

They quickly drove to the hospital, Rome was rushed into the room.

After a few hours the family was able to see Rome and the twins.

Pick was nervous but when he walked in he seen Rome sleeping and the twins moving a bit. Pick had tears stream down his cheek. These two adorable angels were his kids. Pick was happy and smiled.

"Hello kids." Pick looked at the bed when he heard stirring. "Your awake."

"Can I hold rose?" Rome questioned

"Yes, I'll hold Pim." The twins were smiling Pim held on to his fathers cheek and smiled. Rose was smiling her eyes closing slowly. "Are you sleepy princess?" Pick questioned she just mumbled. The now parents just smiled at her, and looked at Pim, he was mumbling also.

-The promise

@AngelaAngela545 I would like to thank you for such beautiful names. I didn't really know what to call the twins so you were a very big help. Thank you very much.

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