030|WEEK 10

972 65 3

Maybe we're not meant for each other, and maybe that's okay
( т ̫ т)♡

Week 10

"Let's go love." Pick said while kissing the neck of his partner. His body softly pressing against Rome.

"Why~" Rome whined at the lost of warmth, pick started changing. Rome just whined, he wanted pick holding him. This pregnancy was making Rome very clingy.

"I'm taking you out on a date." Rome eyes opened quickly.

"Date? Why?"

"Is it not okay to go on a date with the love of my life?"

"Which one?"

"All three." Pick said while kissing Rome's lips.

"You're so weird." Rome said, while trying to get another kiss from pick

"I'm not weird. I'm just in love~" Rome smiled at the words.

Pick helped Rome get ready. As the two finish pick can't help but gently hug his partner. "You're so touchy" Rome giggles out.

"Is it bad to touch what's mine?"

"So possessive." Rome said while eyeing the elder

"Well, I won't let other take what's mine. You are mine while I am yours." Pick said while back hugging Rome and kissing his neck. "You're so beautiful, love. Your cute small dimple and soft eyes. Our children will be just as beautiful as you." Rome blushed at the comment.

"Let's go. I'm hungry." Rome said trying to change the subject.

"Okay lets go then." Pick helped Rome to the car. Pick held Rome's hand while driving.

Pick drives to a small breakfast shop.

"What do you want to eat, love?" Pick questioned as the two took there seat. A small face of confusion spread on Rome's face as he looked through the menu.

"I don't know, I want something sweet." Pick smiled and kissed Rome's hand.

"Choose anything you want"

After eating the two went to the mall to go the the infamous baby shop 'babies best'

"This is the one please pick~" Rome begged. As the two walked around Rome had seen two teddy bears. One was pink while the other was blue.

"Of course love." Pick said while putting the teddy bears in the cart. While walking around they seen baby clothes.

After the mall and ten bag full of baby things and clothes for Rome, pick took Rome to eat at a fancy restaurant. It was already past lunch time

"Name?" The front desk asked

"Pick Jumpol."

"This way please" pick had to have a reservation ahead of time, 3 months to be precise.

The two sit at a table with a window view. Pick knew very well how much Rome loved the outside scenery, so of course he would choose this spot. It's was almost night time. So the sun was beginning to set.

"What would you like to order?"

"Naam kao, mango with sticky rice and green mango salad."

"Are you sure?" The way Rome's body changed in just a second would have been terrifying to see but pick was so use to the mood swings he didn't pay much attention until Rome spoke up. The venom in those words were scary.

"So are you calling me fat? Poor? What are you implying?" Rome eyes were so sharp it scared the waiter very much. Pick seen the change and held Rome's hand

"N...no sir I was"

"No just say it. Am I fat? Ugly? Poor?"

"Hey hey love. Ignore her antics okay. We're here on a date and you wouldn't want to hurt the kids with stress would you? Think about the kids." Pick said while now holding Rome's face gently. The way Rome completely softened at pick's touch was adorable. Even if you didn't know the two, seeing this action you wouldn't doubt they were in love. Pick was so caring toward Rome, Rome was a bit clingy when out. No matter where they were he would either hold pick's hand or arm.

"I'll just have the yellow curry. Also please refrain from speaking. Not everyone is as calm as I am, especially when you insult my partner, I don't care if it wasn't intentional but still I wouldn't know since I can't read minds. For all I know you could have meant what you said so next time watch what you say." With that the waiter left in the flash of light.

Yes what pick said sounded rude and yes pick knows it. He knew he sounded very rude, but what the waiter said to Rome made him mad, he doesn't care if you talk bad about him, he doesn't even care if you spread rumors, but when it comes to Rome, he will protect that male until the end of time. One lie, one insult, one rumor anything that would remotely hurt him, pick wouldn't be afraid to state his opinion Rome was a fragile thing and pick won't let anyone hurt who he loves, especially not hurt Rome nor his unborn children. Pick wasn't going to see the ones he love in pain.

As the food arrived another waiter brought the food. Pick took the chance to tell her about before. She apologized for the one before and said there foods would be free. They didn't understand why but just said okay.

The waiter who came before wasn't a waiter, she was the actually the restaurant owner, she felt very bad about what the waiter had said, never in her life had she heard about one of her worker saying things like that. So she gave them the food for free.

After eating, the two headed home. Rome was very tired. He just wanted to sleep and cuddle with Pick.

Pick laid in bed while Rome slept. Rome clinging onto pick's arm. Pick would just lay on his side softly placing pecks on the younger.

"You're beautiful. I love you so much Rome. Thank you, for being there for me always.

My children, thank you for being here also. You don't understand how happy I am. I was lucky to have Rome and now I'm luckier to have two children." Pick said quietly while rubbing his hands softly on Rome's stomach. He gave it a small kiss and fell asleep.

-The promise

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