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As if it was planned you left without a word
( т ̫ т)♡

Rome looks in the mirror eyeing himself.

Am I beautiful?

He asked himself as he caresses the large watermelon shaped bump. Both hands softly caressing the bump.

Does he still love me....while I look like this?

The mirror shattering as he speaks so cruel about himself.

"No. He does love me this way.

He loves me no matter how I look." Rome says while rubbing his bump gently.

I am loved, I am happy, I am ME

The mirror slowly clearing the cracks as quickly as it shattered.

"You are loved, you are perfect, you are beautiful" pick says while hugging Rome from behind.

"Rome, my love wake up." Pick says while kissing Rome on the head, the younger opening his eyes, letting his eyes get use to the sunlight, and trying to get his mind off of that horrid dream.

"Here's your food" he says with a smile. Pick helps Rome sit up a bit. "Does it hurt?" Rome shook his head in disagreement.

"Why aren't you answering, love?" Pick asked a bit worried in case he really did hurt Rome.

"M-morning breathe." Rome says looking down, quite embarrassed by his actions and words.

"Oh love don't be worried." Rome try's to get up from the bed but fails in doing so.

Pick, gently helps Rome up, he sits Rome on the toilet, he starts to help Rome brush his teeth.

The two spend the day together, watching movies and have a little together date.

1 week later

It's been a week now and the males both have been happy. The two boys head to the university, upon arrival the boys get out holding hands, while pick carry's Rome's book bag. Pick and Rome are considered 'perfect couple' or the 'ultimate couple'.

As the two start to walk into the university Rome gets a phone call from his mother, it was a bit of a surprise. For one his mother never called during class hours and two she never called out of the blue. Rome got a bit scared, wondering if something was wrong. As he answered the phone, pick noticed his nervousness.

"Love what's wrong?" Pick asked, Rome not on purpose ignored him, he was just filled with fear of what was wrong.

"Hello?" Rome asked once the phone was connected

"Rome honey. I'm sorry for calling you this early in the morning. I know you have classes."

"It's fine mother, what's wrong? Are you okay? Is fa-"

"We're fine honey. I just wanted to see how you were doing."

"I'm fine. You scared me. I thought something bad had happened." Rome smiled a bit.

"Don't worry honey. I would never let anything happen to me or your father." She said with a small laugh.

"Are you sick?" He asked a bit worried, his mothers voice sounding a bit different.

"It just a cold. Anyways, I was wondering if you and pick could come over for your break?"

"Of course, I can't wait to see you, I have to go the bell is about to ring. Love you."

"I love you also." She said with a small smile, even if Rome couldn't see.

As Rome hung up the phone he seen pick staring at him, worried. Rome just took pick's hand and went to class.

After class, pick heads to Rome classroom to wait for him.

"Hello love" pick says once he sees Rome. He takes Rome book bag and walks to his car.

As the two are driving home Rome speaks up.

"I'm sorry I ignored you this morning." Pick just holds his hand.

"It's fine. What was wrong, I seen you and you seemed nervous or scared. Is everything okay?" Pick says not taking his eyes off the road

"My mother called." Rome said softly looking out the window, rain dropping from above.

"Is she okay?" Pick asked.

"She wants us to go visit her for the break. She also sounded a bit sick, on the phone. I was a bit worried since she never calls in the morning." Rome said as he sees the window blur up due to the coldness.

Pick turns the heater on, and continues holding Rome's hand.

"We should visit her next week, and stay all week." Pick says now looking at Rome, Rome smiled and nodded.

"You're so beautiful." Pick said, Rome just smiled.

The two reach home and Rome gets a notification. Rome smiled.

"I have no classes tomorrow." Rome says while cooking.

"That's good. But I do." Pick pouted, Rome just giggles and kissed his lips.

The two eat and head off to bed.

-The promise

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