010 | HIM

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To say I don't care, when I see him arms wrapped around you would be the biggest lie in this century.
( т ̫ т)♡

"Is he cute? Or him?" Lily asked while pointing at a few boys.

"Lily!" Pick whisper shouted, Lily just giggled. "Don't Tell me you don't find them attractive." She said with a smirk and pick just put his head down, in embarrassment.

"Fine fine I'll stop." She says laughing.

Pick looked at his phone.

"It only 9:28." Pick groans.

"The movie starts in 32 minutes then. Shall we get the tickets and walk around the mall to lessen our time?" Lily asked.

The two decide to walk around the mall, and after a while it was time to go watch the movie.

After the movie finished. The two teens went home, while walking home pick had a weird feeling, a bad feeling. He walked home while that utterly confusing, horrible feeling was getting stronger. He couldn't take it anymore and hurried to Rome's house. He wanted to just make sure he was okay.

Instead of soft, sweet, innocent knocks, pick was banging on the door. After a few minutes Rome's parents opened the door.

"Pick? What's wrong? It's almost 11 at night" Rome's mother asked a bit of anger laced in her voice.

"I'm sorry." He said before running past her into Rome's room. Rome's mother was surprise but just let it be and walked back to bed.

There he seen it he knew why he felt so weird.

"Rome." Rome looked up his eyes fully red.

"Pick?" The younger quickly without and chance for pick to react, Rome hugged pick.

"Why's are you crying?" Pick asked wiping the tears left on Rome's soft innocent cheek.

Without anything Rome stayed quiet. Not wanting to inform the older about what had happened earlier.

( т ̫ т)♡

Rome was walking around and two tall guys-maybe in the same grade as pick-started to insult Rome, saying horrible things about his feminine features. Rome hated his features while pick loved them, at first he was confused how a male could have feminine features but pick soon grew fond of them, Rome was beautiful, Rome was perfect. Pick never once judged Rome for his looks the male was head over heals in love with Rome.

Pick knew something very bad must have happened. He kept hugging Rome like it was the last time he would ever see him. Pick hates to see Rome cry, pick promised Rome he would never leave him but pick also made a promise to himself, always protect Rome like it's the last time you'll ever see him, pick promised himself he would protect Rome from any harm until his last breathe.

Rome was pick's treasure, soulmate, and heart.

Rome started to stop crying and just let himself be held, Rome felt warm, and safe in pick's embrace he always did, does this mean? No, no it doesn't, Rome quickly denied the thought. After a few minutes pick could hear Rome's snores he let the male go and laid him on the bed, pulled the duvet over him making sure Rome wouldn't get cold, and slowly but full of passion and love kissed Rome on his head.

"Even if you don't like boys or don't like me, my heart will always be yours. I will forever love you Rome."

Pick waited a bit to make sure Rome was well and sleeping peacefully, after he was sure Rome was fine he looked at his phone and seen many missed calls and text messages from his parents.

He quickly called back.


"Pick! Do you not know how worried we were! Do you not know what time it is! I had to call Rome's mother to find out where you were! Oh my goodness pick I was so scared." He could hear the dissatisfaction, disappointment, worry, anger, he could hear every feeling in her voice and it hurt him, to hear his mother this way. This was the first time pick had ever done this.

"I-I'm so sorry mother." She sighed, pick thought he had heard a few sobs escape her mouth but kept quiet afraid of what would happen.

"Next time please tell us where you go, I know you went to see a movie with lily but, from now on please text us where you are. You don't understand how worried me and your father were."

"I'm really sorry mother. I didn't mean to do this I-" pick was interrupted.

"We will talk about this at home, just sleep there tomorrow I will pick you up and we can talk at home it's late as it is." Pick looked at the time and indeed it was late.

"Okay mother goodnight."

"Be safe, goodnight honey." The sound of the phone disconnecting was the only thing that sounded. Pick ran his fingers through his dark locks and looked at Rome.

He gave Rome one more small kiss before getting in bed also. As if it was an instinct Rome cuddles into pick and pick just let his fingers wonder through Rome's beautiful soft locks, to afraid Rome would wake up by a nightmare.

If Rome would cry before bed or cried to sleep he would usually have a nightmare during that night.

"Goodnight. Rome" was all pick said before, making sure Rome was safe in his arms.

-The promise

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