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A big inspiration for writing this book is based on my own way for accepting my sexuality. I myself am pansexual. It was hard at first to accept myself/sexuality. So I thought maybe I should just write about it, that's main reason why 'the promise' is my absolute favorite story to write. The old lady in the story (chapter 28) is a real person, her name Elle, I am nor was ever pregnant. My cousin and aunt were pregnant around the same time so many reasons I was able to make an Mpreg is due to them, they helped me understand their process during pregnancy. Rome's mood swings were based on my cousin while the mango obsession was from my aunt.

I would take care of my cousin some time and well it was a bit over whelming, but it brought us closer. The old lady was based on a very close grandmother I knew. She wasn't my grandmother by blood but I looked up to her. She was a very wise and gentle woman. I will forever be grateful for Elle.

As I said before I am pansexual, at first I considered myself as bisexual. It was hard to hide it because my family was ver religious, but I decided tell my family, it was both a happy and sad moment in life. Elle accepted me when I told her, my mother took about a month, but my father and my (real) grandmother weren't as accepting. It took around 3 years for my father to just acknowledge part of it and well my grandmother? We don't talk anymore. That's a main reason why Elle was the one I talked to a lot.

Elle said so many thing that I quote in this story. Like 'how can I accept my partner when I don't accept myself'

Because of my grandmother, I began to feel bad for like girls also, it made me feel like I was some wrong. Elle helped me realize that no matter who I loved I was still the same person from before. She was a very big help to accepting not only myself but also my sexuality. Knowing your sexuality isn't the same as accepting it. For me I knew my sexuality but at some point I didn't want to accept it, Elle showed me no, helped me accept myself. She told me that the world may not accept me but I must be able to accept myself and my partner.

Another reason I made this book was because of some edits I came by

Another reason I made this book was because of some edits I came by

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I really do hope you liked the book.

Thank you if you have read this far. I hope you have a good day/night/evening.💚

I finished the book, two days before my birthday.💚💚💚💚

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