036 | HOT

687 42 3

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Week 33

"Have you took your pills yet?" Pick questioned. He put a small bowl of cold water beside the bed.

"I took them earlier when I woke up. Pick I'm thirsty." Rome said. He was wiping his forehead. He was groaning in discomfort also. "Pick~ it hurts, and I'm thirsty. Pick!" Pick smiled, at how Rome would change in a matter of seconds.

"I'm coming love. Let me finish putting on my clothes." Pick said while pulling up his shorts, now beginning to find his shirt.

"You're dressed now go get me a water. Also! Get me my pillow!"

"Can I put on my shi-." Pick stopped talking when he seen the glare, he nodded and left the room. He was cold, since he had just got out the shower. Pick walked to the fridge but his eyes focused on the small note that was placed on the granite counter top.

Dear Pick,

I had to leave due to a family emergency. I apologize, I'll try to be back as soon as possible.

Pick just read the note and went to the fridge, he'll call her about it later, right now Rome would throw a fit if he didn't hurry back. The couple only had 7 weeks left until the twins were due. The closer to the due date the higher amount of discomfort Rome had.

Pick took a water bottle from the fridge, and he then began to walk upstairs. When he entered the room, Rome was watching the television. Rome was slightly moving in discomfort. Pick handed the water bottle to Rome. Rome began drinking the water.

Pick then walked the messy closet to fetch the donut pillow for Rome. It helped Rome a lot when laying down and sleeping. "Pick~ I'm hot~ it's so hot" Rome complained

Pick gave the younger the pillow and turned the AC down, he sat beside Rome-who was now snuggling into the pillow- and took the small towel from the bowl and began to wipe down the younger.

He wiped the younger down, the cold water feeling nice against Rome's skin. Rome smiled and snuggled more into the pillow, his eyes slowly closing due to the comfort and satisfaction he was feeling. Pick seen the action and stopped wiping the younger, he went over to clean up the mess Rome had made looking for his silk shirt and cotton shorts. When Rome didn't find it in its normal place he threw every piece of clothing on the floor.

Pick began to clean up the mess and placed them in a clean basket. When he finished he grabbed the basket and put it on the floor side where he slept. He fixed the bed slightly and slightly moved from to the center of the bed. He kissed Rome's forehead and grabbed the basket filled with dirty clothes. He turned the air down a bit more, knowing Rome would soon complain about feeling hit. He walked down stairs to put the dirty clothes to wash, while doing so he also took out the clothes from the dryer.

He walked back upstairs, putting the basket full of now clean clothes on the floor. He walked to the night stand and got the bowl full of cold water, he went to pour the water out and left the bowl on the counter.

He went to the bed, making sure Rome was okay. He heard Rome softly snoring, a small smile forming on his lips. He got the clean clothes and Rome's clothes and began to fold them.

Once pick finished he put the clothes in their place. He walked out of the walk in closet when he heard a phone call. Pick answered Rome's phone, knowing if he woke the younger up he would be in a sour mood.

"Hello?" Pick questioned walking back to the closet to finish cleaning.

'Oh pick. Is Rome there?'

"He's asleep right now auntie. Is it important?" Pick asked

'No, I was just wondering if he still remembered about next week.' Pick raised a brow in confusion. He finally finished cleaning the closet and walked out to fix dinner for Rome later.

"What was happening next week?" A sigh was heard from the other end

'He didn't tell you did he? Me and your mother were going to stay next week so you and Rome wouldn't have to worry about house work and well now with Rome so soon for the delivery date. Me and your mother know exactly what Rome is going through. So I know that he must be in pain the closer the due date is."

"Of course auntie. You guys can stay, Rome probably let it slip. He has been working so hard lately. Maybe he is just tired. Just tell me when you and my mother are going to be here, also will it only be you two or our fathers with come also?"

'Your fathers also. We'll be there Wednesday.'

"Okay auntie, I'll see you then." The phone had went dead and pick was finishing the food.

"PICK-." A yell was heard from above, pick was surprised and ran upstairs. "Pick! I want cuddles! Pick are you liste-." Pick smiled at the younger. Pick seen his hands reaching out for a hug.

"Love, you scared me. I thought something bad happened. Let me just put the food up so we can eat later and I'll cuddle you all you want hmm?" Rome looked sad but nodded. Rome really wanted cuddles.

Pick quickly put the food in the fridge to heat up later. He washed his hands and walked upstairs, the room being really chilly but Rome seemed to not mind. He got on the bed and Rome went to hug the elder. "Love be careful." Pick kissed Rome's head and smiled. Rome laid his head on the elders arm, a pillow between his legs and his arms wrapping around the elder.

"Wednesday our parents will come." Rome slightly looked up shocked.

"I forgot to tell you. I'm sorry pick." Rome looked down, his eyes looking upset.

"Hey hey hey, it's okay. I can tell you're more occupied on our twins. I understand if something slip from thought." Puck kissed Rome's lips. "It's really okay love just rest for now."

-The promise

I wanted a small domestic Pick scene. This is really cute in my opinion. I don't know why I find couples being domestic really cute.

Also this song, is a beautiful song. I have began listening to his music and other Thai artist and I really enjoy their music.

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