009 |SMILE

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To feel complete even without the one you love.
( т ̫ т)♡

POV Pick

I look at him his smile so big and bright but he's not smiling because of me. I sigh and walk away ignoring the calls he yells.

It has been 2 weeks since my mother said those words of hers. On how we know if we have feelings for someone. I have been confused the entire time. Now as of this moment I know I do have feelings for someone and that someone is Rome. The thing that confuses me is, I like Rome but he's a guy, a boy, my friend, my.....I groan in utter disappointment.

"Pick? What's wrong?" Lily asked. I haven't told her about my feelings. I'm afraid I will be judged because I like Rome or worse I like a boy.

"Nothing just tired" I give her a smile, she seems not to believe me but she doesn't question.

"Okay then." I'm happy she's my friend and understands when I don't want to say something.

( т ̫ т)♡

"Well are you happy? This school year is about to end and then we go to high school." She says with a smile, I sit beside her in class.

"Yes I am happy." I say.

"I can't believe we're getting older. Maybe you'll finally find a girlfriend." She giggles and I frown a little. How can I tell her I like Rome. When I'm so afraid of what she will think and of losing our friendship.

"Yeah..." I say. Sooner or later I'm going to tell her but on my own terms. Everyone should be able to tell their own story but when they are ready, an important matter like this shouldn't be forced out.

The bells rings from above and I walk to lunch, me and lily always eat together so it's nice, but today my attention is focused on the male that won't leave my head. I sigh once again

"Pick what's going on with you? I'm sorry to be such a busy body but...what's wrong?" I look at lily, she is my best friend and I can't even tell her my secret. Am I a bad friend?

"Lily, what if I was different." She raised an eyebrow and looks at me

"Different? What do you mean?" I take a deep deep breathe here goes nothing.

"What if, I don't" I stop I can't do it. There are too many people and I'm scared. She starts to get up and that confuses me. Lily takes our plates away I look at her with questioning eyes. When she comes back she takes my arm and takes me to the field, no one is in here because it's lunch time. She drags me to the very edge and makes me sit down.

"You can tell me now." She says. I guess she sensed my anxiety.

"Please don't hate me, we've been friend for so long and I- just promise me you won't hate me?" I say, I am terrified. Lily is someone I can never forget. I love her not as I love Rome but I love her in a sibling way. A comfortable friend. A person who will understand and be their for you no matter what happens.

"Pick you could never do anything for me to hate you, you're my best friend and that will never change." She gives me an encouraging smile.

"What if I don't like.....girls. W-What if I like boys." Lily was quiet for a while and I grew more and more anxious.Did she hate me? Was she mad? After what felt like an eternity lily wasn't quiet anymore in fact she was giggling?

"So that's why I don't see you have any girlfriend." She said laughing. I was confused.

"You're not mad?" She stops laughing and looks me in the eyes

"Why would I get mad at you?"

"Well some people don't approve of it and I was afraid what if you didn't accept me." I said sadly

"If I didn't accept you then I wouldn't be a real friend, if you truly care about someone you'll be able to accept them." Lily said and hugged me. "You're my best friend and I would always accept you no matter what" pick smile after a few minutes we stop hugging

"So who's the lucky guy? Is he older? In our grade?" She asked.

"Well....he's younger."

"Who! How young?"

"I'll tell you when I'm ready" I smile and lily nods.

I'm happy she was able to accept me.

The rest of the day we talked about school.

-The Promise

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