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You keep me warm when I feel like I'm freezing
( т ̫ т)♡

4 years later.

Rome is now 8 and pick is 10. Rome walks into the room with pick and lily. Lily has been friends with pick for 4 years now.

"I can't believe we've been friend for 4 years." Lily says with a smile

"Same." Pick smiles, while looking at her

Rome backs from the door and walks downstairs, lucky that no one heard. Rome walks in the kitchen and gets a cup of water, he sits at the counter and drinks the water. Pick's parents went out to get groceries. He hears giggles coming close so he puts the glass down and heads to the restroom.

"Rome, where are you going?" Pick says while Rome's back is at him, without looking Rome walks to the restroom.

"Is he mad at me?" Pick whispers

Rome locks the door and walks to the mirror. Small sparks of jealousy radiating in the 8 year old's body. "Always with lily and never with Rome" Rome flushes the toilet not even using it. He walks out and walks upstairs to grab his backpack.

Once he grabs his backpack he walks down stairs and sits in the living room.

"Need any help?" Pick says while he sees Rome fishing for his homework

"No" Rome said in a monotone voice. Pick frowns but quickly smiles. "Okay then, if you need help I'm here"

"I don't need help, thank you" Rome didn't really mean it, but he's angry and sad right now.

4 x 8=?
12 x 6=?
124 + 67=?

Rome sighs he hates math with a passion. He always thought it was hard and this was the only paper he needed. Pick would always help but since Rome is mad he doesn't want him to help.

"Is that math?" Pick asked.

"Yes." Rome says

"Need help? I always-" pick says excited but is soon cut off

"No" Rome cut pick off.

"I can help..."

"Pick just go with lily I don't need help. Just please leave" Rome didn't mean to sound mean but he felt hurt but of course he wouldn't tell pick.

"I'm sorry." Pick said and walked upstairs

"You still go to her" the youngest whispered.

4 x 8= 35
12 x 6= 78
124 + 67= 346

Rome wrote down random numbers he hates math and doesn't care if he gets them wrong.

"We're home! Oh Rome why are you here alone?" Picks mother asked

"I'm doing homework." Rome says, she looks and see's it's math

"Math homework? Where's pick? He usually helps?"

"Do you need help bringing stuff in?" Rome tries to change the subject. She noticed but didn't want to pry, she just nodded and seen lily walk downstairs and pick follow from behind like a sad puppy.

Pick quickly smile when he noticed his mother looking.

"Hello mother" he gives a big smile.

"What wrong honey?" She asked when the kids were out grabbing bags of groceries.

"Nothing, why do you ask?"

"Rome was doing his math homework and you didn't help did you two argue?"

"Nope were great. Now let me help you put the groceries up" she sighed but nodded.

At dinner the two boys are quiet. So pick's mother began to spark up a conversation

"So lily and pick how was school?"

"It was great." Lily says

"It was.......nice" pick says while picking at his food. His mood not wanting to digest food at the given moment

"And you Rome, how was school?" Pick looks up a little to look at the younger

"Good but I don't like math class" Rome frowns and Pick chuckles quietly

You never like math'

Pick's mother notice and smiled.

"I see." She smiles

After dinner, Lily's mother comes to pick her up and pick's mother asked Rome if he would like to spend the night but today he said no, it surprised both pick's parents and Rome's as he always says yes.

"Rome me and your father are going out for a little longer and we might not be able to get you until late." Rome's mother says, she didn't want the boy's to be angry at each other and cost their friendship

"Okay then. I guess I will sleep over, I love you mommy and daddy." They say I love you and Rome walks upstairs and goes to pick's closet, since he spent the night a lot he always has clothes there, he changes into his pj's.

( т ̫ т)♡

"I know. I'll see what's up with the boys. Goodnight, don't worry I will drive them to school" pick's mother said then hung up.

( т ̫ т)♡

Rome lays in the bed, facing the window and soon he hears the door open. Pick walks in and Rome could feel the bed sink down.

"I'm sorry Rome" pick says thinking Rome is a sleep.

Rome feels bad for hurting his best friend.

Pick lays down and Rome keeps him eyes closed, Rome get surprised when he feels a soft kiss on his forehead. Pick lays back down and before falling asleep says.

"Goodnight romie, I love you."

Rome was surprised to say the least but soon smiled. He loves me. Rome turns around and once again cuddles with pick and falls asleep.

"Goodnight pick, rome loves pick too"

Pick's mother walks into the room and smiles, at the view of the two boys cuddling.

"Sooner or later you two will realize what your feelings are." She closes the door quietly.

-The promise

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