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A wise man once said if you really love something, let it go, sometimes holding on for to long ends up only hurting.
( т ̫ т)♡

3 years later

Pick stared at Rome. Lately the two had gotten closer, very close. Yet the two still never admitted there feelings for each other. How pick yearned for Rome's touch, his embrace, his lips, pick yearned for Rome. Rome on the other hand was just now getting use to his feelings he felt happy just by being near pick.

The two boys were in pick's room watching a movie, without even realizing it Rome started to get comfortable in pick's chest while pick would snake his arms around Rome's waist. The two hadn't realize how they were until pick noticed, he was scared and didn't know what to do. So he quickly got up and went to the restroom. Rome pouted at the lost of warmth and comfort from pick. He just laid back on the bed, and rested his eyes.

Pick was breathing hard he was happy but scared, after a few minutes he came back to his room and seen Rome laying down.

"How can someone be so beautiful. How could I fall for such an angel. I love you Rome." Pick said while touching Rome's check. Pick kissed Rome on the forehead, cheek and then just stared at Rome's lips, he was so close to Rome's lips that he could feel Rome's breathe hit his lips softly. Pick turned off the movie and started to lay in bed, he pulled Rome closer to him and wrapped his arms around Rome's beautiful waist.

After Rome was sure pick was asleep he opened his eyes. What type of love? Rome was hoping pick felt the same way Rome did. Rome stared at pick.

"I love you too" Rome said and cuddled even closer to pick causing pick to hold Rome tighter, not wanting Rome to leave.

The next morning to boys woke up, but Rome was eager to ask pick a question.

After doing there morning routine the boys walked downstairs to find a note

Dear Pick,

Me and your father had an emergency work call but your breakfast is in the fridge. eat well and be safe also tell Rome his mother said he could stay another night if he wanted.

Love, mom.

Rome smiled he didn't want to leave pick. Pick got plates and got the breakfast out he heated the food and the two ate.

"Pick, May I know who your crush is." Rome asked, pick chocked on his food due to surprise. Rome quickly gave pick a cup of orange juice.

"Ummm...someone" pick said not wanting Rome to know it's him, he looked down shyly

"If you tell me I will tell you who I like." With that pick looked up, Rome liked someone?

"You like someone?" Pick asked and Rome nodded and smiled, he must really like her if he smiles like that. Pick thought

"Let's say it at the same time." Rome nodded


"You." The two said at the same time. To say Rome was happy would be a lie, he was ecstatic and to say pick was surprised would be an understatement he was beyond shocked.

"Y-you like me?" Pick asked and Rome nodded and showed his soft smile, pick hugged Rome so tightly

"I like you too, no no no I don't like you. I love you." Rome was happy beyond words the two just smiled.

Pick without thinking kissed Rome, Rome was surprised but soon kissed back it was a soft gentle kiss.

-The promise

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