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Is loving you really that much pain?
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"Pick!" Pick heard the loud yell of his name, he ran from the shared room like his life depended on it. He seen his mother angry, which frightened the small boy.

"Yes mother...." pick asked softly. To afraid if he spoke any louder his mother would scolded him harshly.

"How many times must I tell you?" The woman looks at pick while he looks at the direction his mother is pointing at. Her voice stern and scary.

"I'm sorry...." pick said with the softest voice letting his head fall. Pick flinched at the stern and scary voice from his mother.

"Pick. I have told you to always put your books up someone might fall or worse, honey don't get sad. I'm sorry I yelled. Just make sure to pick your books up next time." She said softly when she seen her son looking down. She felt horrible. Pick did indeed make a mistake, but haven't we all? No one is perfect.

"Okay." Pick said. His mother gave him a big hug and he hugged her back, he always felt safe when his mother hugged him. It was such a comforting sign of affection.

"Are you done packing?" His mother questioned while putting the books on the counter.

"Yes mother." Pick voiced out.

"Good" his mother replied, and pick nodded.

Pick ran upstairs and seen Rome was fast asleep. He walked over to the younger and kissed his forehead softly, of course Rome never knew about the secret kisses. For Rome he didn't like the kisses, or in other words Mhua's, a big reason was because he was always left with crimson red cheeks. Every time Rome slept pick would steal a kiss from the younger. It was wrong and pick knew but he couldn't let go of the younger, it was the only time he could kiss the younger.

"Pick?" Pick quickly backed away from the younger. He looked up to see Rome's mother, his face had gone pale. Had he been caught? Was all pick could ask himself.

"Yes auntie?" He said with a nervous yet soft voice

"Is Rome asleep?" Rome's mother asked softly, as she leaned against the door frame. She smiled a bit at pick and his body language. Her eyes watched how pick was nervous, how his pale skin had gone paler. His eyes looking at his feet to indicate he was nervous and a bit scared.

"Yes." Pick said with a smile, while looking at the said sleeping boy. His eyes watching the chest rise up and down.

"Okay then. You should also sleep, we have a long day tomorrow."

"Yes auntie." Pick smiled and went to sleep beside the younger.

Pick laid on his side and stared at the Beaty that slept beside him. Pick slowly went to kiss his head, slowly he went closer until his lips felt the touch of hair.

"Good night Rome." Was the last thing pick said before letting sleep overcome his small tired body.

-The promise

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