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You are loved
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Today Rome and pick were taking the twins out. A small smile formed on their lips. Rome changed Rose while pick changed Pim. While Pick was changing Pim, the boy was squirming and ended up pushing the diapers off the changing table.

"Pim, you naughty prince" pick looked at his son and grinned "since you are being naughty you need tickles." The year old looked at his father and shook his head

"N...no" he tried to run but sadly pick got him. Pick tickled the child, Pim was laughing but also wording out stop. Pick stopped after a few seconds. Pick pulled down the child's shirt and kissed his temple.

"We're going to meet Auntie Lily." Pick said kissing his son once again. Pim looked at his father and smiled.

"Lily." He clapped his hands. Today was the first time lily would see the kids in person. She had seen many photos of the twins, because Rome or pick would send her many. The mother's were the ones to get the most photos, Rome and the mother's were always talking on the phone about the twins.

"Are you guys done?" Pick asked, as he seen his daughter standing up and laying her head on Rome's shoulder.

"Yes." Rome lifted his daughter up, his arms under her bum for support. "Are you ready princess?" The girl looked at her father and smiled while nodding.

Rome strapped rose in while pick did the same with the other twin. Once the twins were safely buckled, pick began to drive to Gaysorn village mall. The twins were mumbling to the words on the song that was currently play.

When the family arrived at the mall, pick got out rose while Rome got out Pim. While walking into the mall the twins were reaching their arms out for the other parent, so the parents switched kids. Rome now holding rose while pick held Pim.

"Rome! Pick!" Lily waved at the parents and smiled at the twins "Hello Pim. Hello Rose." The twins smiled and waved.

"He....hello" Pim worded out.

"They are so adorable. Pim is a mini Rome while rose is a mini pick." The infants were smiling at lily. "Have you guys eaten yet? We can go and eat if you guys want. I want you guys to meet someone."

"I'm not hungry but the twins need to be fed so we can go some where." Pick said while holding the baby go bag.

"Also I think Rose needs a diaper change" Rome added.

"Well then we can go to the restaurant and pick can wait there while you change Rose." Rome nodded and thanked her.

"Let's go prince" Pim smiled and wiggles out of his fathers embrace. Pick put him down and held his hand while Pim walked, slightly tripping over himself from time to time but no matter what he didn't give up on walking. Rose was a bit different, when she fell she would give up and hours later try again.

Pick was waiting out side of the restaurant, Lily went out of the mall to get the person she wanted the parents to meet and Rome went to change Rose's diaper.

"Your son is so cute. He doesn't look much like you, did he take his mother's features?" Pick smiled at the old lady, he picked Pim up from sitting on the floor and wiped his bum from the dirt.

"He did, he looks so much like his Por, it's almost like Pim is a mini Rome." Pick said with loving eyes as he watched the infant, Pim just smiled and clapped wording out 'Por' the old lady was a bit surprised but smiled.

"You must be very lucky to have such a beautiful partner. I must be going but I hope you and your family have a lifetime of happiness. Bye little one." The old lady smiled and waved goodbye before disappearing.

"What are you looked at?" Rome asked

"Nothing. Hello princess." Pick kissed Rose on the head and Rome on the lips.

"Let's go in." Lily said, her hands intertwined with a tall male around both Lily and Pick's age.

They walked into the restaurant. They went to the VIP section for quietness, and space for the twins to play around.

"This is my boyfriend Sunan." The male waiied to the others

"It's very nice to meet you guys. Lily has said many great things about you guys. You also have very beautiful children." Sunan said, pick and Rome smiled.

"It's nice meeting you also Sunan. I hope we can be great friend"

The rest of the time they talked about random thing and were catching up with each other. "Rose what are you doing princess?" Rose had her toy hammer. She was hitting the floor and giggling. She was about to hit Pim with the toy hammer but pick stopped her.

"You naughty child." Pick said picking her and kissing her cheeks. "Why would you try to hit your brother." She giggled each time pick kissed her cheek.

"You look really happy." Lily said patting Pim's head.

"I am. I'm really happy"

"That's good, now when will you marry Rome hmm?" Pick smiled, Rome had went to the restroom so lily was holding Pim.

"Soon, I really want to spend the rest of my life with Rome and the twins. That all I want. I love them so much" Pick said looking at Rose and Pim. His eyes were filled with love. Anyone could tell Pick was deeply in love, he was happy.

"I'm really happy for you pick." Pick smiled and kissed rose's cheeks and her giggles filled the room he then kissed Pim and he clapped happily.

-The promise

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