008 | COUCH

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Why must I love an angel who doesn't love me
( т ̫ т)♡

His smile, that beautiful smile. Why can't I just tell him I like him? Pick asked himself

Rome looks back from the couch. When he felt some stares

"Romie! Do you want the popcorn in a bowl or not? You're always so picky?" Pick quickly asked

"Bowl!" Rome yells from the couch.

While walking back pick began to speak "You see last time you said no bowl and look now." Pick says sarcastically, he loved to tease Rome.

"Does that make you like me less? Me always changing my mind?" Rome says without thinking, he knows Pick was teasing but part of him wanted to know would pick really get tired of him for always being picky, sarcastic, and just plain out different.

Pick stops a little bit but continues to walk to the couch, a brief silence fills the room.

"No. I'd never stop loving you even if you change your mind over a thousand times. I love you exactly the way you are, and that's never going to change.

As I promised I would never leave you Rome." Both we're silent for the rest of the time, Pick was scared Rome would be weirded out by how he expressed his feelings. Rome was confused because at this moment, he felt something spark in his heart, it felt like someone was warming his heart, and it felt nice but it also confused Rome, why did he feel this way.

Today was Friday so the boys were able to sleep late, and wake late.

For the rest of the night the boys watched movies eventually falling asleep in each other's embrace.

Morning came, a little to quickly. Rome heard a few whispers and he smelt food, he knew pick's mother was awake.

"I wonder if Rome feels the same?" Rome heard pick's father say. He raised a brow at the question.

" we don't know yet and what if Pick doesn't even know what he feels?" Feels?

"Well we can't keep letting him be confused the boy is about to go to high school and you know how boys are, I wouldn't be surprised if he is already thin-."

"Stop! I don't want to think of my son like that!" Pick's father giggles a bit. Rome was confused and decided to get up, wiggling out of pick's embrace

"Good morning!" Rome says sleepily, the two adult looked shocked as if they had just seen a ghost, are they afraid if I heard? Rome thinks

"Ah good morning Rome did you just wake up?"

"Yes." The two looks go back to normal, happy Rome didn't hear their conversation, or so they thought.

"Is pick still asleep?" Pick's father asked and Rome just nodded. Out of nowhere pick's father asked a question

"So Rome, do you have a crush on any girls?" Pick's father asked. The three people start to eat breakfast but what they don't know is the soft soul listening closely to their conversation from the couch.

"There are very pretty girls but not any that I like." Rome says, while stuffing his face with food.

"Any boys?" Pick's father asked and pick's mother immediately slaps his arm.

"Boys?" Rome never really looked at guys that much, yes he looked at girls, but guys? He sat there and thought, does he like guys? He would see a few guys date or girls date and he never thought there was a problem about it but did he ever want that?

He would get a little jealous that people had already found their partner, he would wonder when would he find his.

"No, I don't. But I wouldn't date any guys  even if I could." Rome says out loud scared. Would he even be able to date a guy if he wanted to? Did he ever like guys? Rome was a little scared of what would happen if he ever did like a guy. On the other hand Pick slowly felt his heart break a little, and he didn't know why.

Pick kept asking himself, why do I feel so hurt by hearing that? What do I even feel for Rome?

Both pick's parents looked at each other and sighed, they thought maybe one day the two kids would be happy together and grow old, maybe even have kids of their own. (A/N: M-preg.)

"Well let's eat."

After a few minutes pick acted as if he just woke up yawning loudly and stretching he goes to the table with his smile.

"Good morning." He says

"Good morning son." Both parents say

"Good morning pick." Rome says

Pick sits next to Rome and starts to stuff his face. Rome looks to pick.

"And boys?"

"As I promised I would never leave you Rome"

Rome looks to his plate, would Rome ever feels something for a male?  He thought. Rome speaks up alittle

"How would I know if I like someone." Pick stopped stuffing his face and looks up also wondering how one would know.

"You just know." Pick's father says while drinking coffee. Pick's mother speaks up also.

"You'll know once you can't stop staring at them, you always think about them, you'll get jealous once you see them with someone else, and you want them to be happy no matter how sad you are or how much it breaks." Rome sighed he never really felt this ways, not as of now but later he will. Pick on the other hand, felt all.

-The promise

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