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I want to be alone, alone with you
( т ̫ т)♡

"Are you excited honey?" Picks mother asked

"I'm scared." Pick frowns.

"You'll do fine."

Pick slowly wakes to his class. He walks inside and looks around.

"Hello!" A girl with ponytails says enthusiastically. She has caramel toned skin, olive shaped eyes and small lips.

"Hello, I'm pick."

"My name is Lily " she has a bright smile as she speaks

"You have a beautiful smile" pick says and lily blushes.

"Well pick it seems you made a friend." Picks mother says, she hugs pick and walks out.

You're growing up' his mother said as she walked away

"Well pick do you want to be friends?" Lily asked, with a smile

"Yes." Pick says

Tap tap tap-

"Okay students, class is about to begin." Everyone runs to a desk. While the teacher begins to walk in

Pick and Lily sit next to each other.

"Okay. Since were all new here, I want everyone to come up and introduce themselves. Like this.

My name is Mr. Park, I love books. Now when I call you, come up and say your name and something you love or like"

"Lily." Lily walks up to the class room and smiles

"Hello my name is Lily, I love the color yellow." She says while showing her yellow shoes

"Thank you Lily" mr. park says as lily sits down

"Pick." Pick shyly gets up.

"My name....name is pick.......pick. I love reading." The poor timid boy stutters out.

"Thank you pick. You may sit now" Mr. park smiles. Pick walks to his seat,

"You did amazing." Lily says and pick smiles, thanking her

( т ̫ т)♡

The first day of school came to an end. Pick was happy but also sad. Happy to see Rome but sad to leave lily.

"Goodbye pick. I hope I see you tomorrow" lily said. Lily is now pick's new friend and he's happy he met her, she is a cool, and different person.

"Me too bye bye lily" she smiled and waved while running to her car

Pick walked to his car. His father came to pick him up.

"How was today?" His father asked

"It was good" he smiled

"She is pretty who is she? The one you were talking to" pick smiled

"Lily." His father just hummed

The car stopped and pick got out, he walked to the door. A small smile forming seeing as there were more than two cars in the driveway.

"PICK!" Rome ran up to pick and gave him a tight hug.

"Hello romie." Pick smiled and hugged Rome back

"Where dwid ywou go?" Rome looked up and pouted.

"I went to school."

"No go to scwoow"

"But I have to" Rome looked sad but nodded. Pick hugged Rome and said "but if you want I won't go anymore" Rome got happy and stared to jump up and down

He yelled 'yay' over and over again.

The two went upstairs to pick's room and played.

"Boys!" Rome's mother yelled from below

"Boys?" She said again but no answer. She walked upstairs and opened the bedroom door.

Rome and pick were sleeping while cuddling. Pick was on his back while Rome was on his chest and leg tangled with pick's leg, while pick was holding Rome's arm.

 Pick was on his back while Rome was on his chest and leg tangled with pick's leg, while pick was holding Rome's arm

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She walked up the two kids and just stared sadly. A moment later her best friend came in.

"One day they'll realize their feelings" pick's mother said with a smile

"Lets hope, their not afraid to love each other. Knowing how the media is with same sex couples. I hope they can take the risk"

"I believe pick will be the first to confess." Rome's mother says.

"I think so too" the two mothers walk out of the room and close the door. The two younger kids sleep the rest of the day.

-The promise

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