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The utter shame of knowing you left....because of me
( т ̫ т)♡

3 years later

(Slightly Nsfw)

Pick got in his car and turned on the radio, a song started to play and pick would just smile as he listened to the lyrics, Rome was sitting next to him and pick just sang the lyrics

"All the fear and the fire
Of the end of the world
Happens each time a boy falls in love with a boy" Rome giggles knowing that wasn't the same lyric

"Wasteland, baby
I'm in love~
I'm in love with you~"

"All the things yet to come are the things that have passed
Like the old enough hands, like the breaking of glass
Like the bonfire that burns, in worth, in a fight felt too"

"Wasteland, baby
I'm in love
I'm in love with you
And I love too"

"That love soon might end
And be known in its aching
Shown in this shaking
Lately of my wasteland, baby
Be still, my indelible friend
You are unbreaking
Though quaking
Though crazy
That's just wasteland, baby"

"That you gaze unafraid as they saw from the city ruins
Wasteland, baby
I'm in love
I'm in love with you
And I love too"

"That love soon might end
And be known in its aching
Shown in the shaking
Lately of my wasteland, baby
Be still, my indelible friend
You are unbreaking
Though quaking
Though crazy"

"That's wasteland, baby
And the stance of the sea
And the absence of green
Are the death of all things that I've seen and unseen
Are men but the start of all things that are left to do?"

"Wasteland, baby

I'm in love
I'm in love with you" pick finished the lyric by kissing Rome on the lips.

The two head to class, in a few month pick would finally graduate. Rome only need one more year and he would be done also.

The two were happy, when they got to the university they will always hold hands. Many girls were happy for the two, others were jealous. The males were upset, that pick had snatched Rome before all of them.

The couple had been dating for quite some time but when it came to *cough* sex the two were as shy as ever. Both did want to try but one, they never brought it up with the other and two, they were afraid of what the other would say.

Pick hated his recent habit, while in the shower pick would sometimes think about him and Rome, doing some not so innocent things. Oh how he hated it but at the same time loved the images he would think of.

Rome on the other hand was now 18, he had needs and of course he did a lot of research on gay sex while pick wasn't home. Rome wanted to know the feeling, he wanted to be felt that way with pick. He wanted pick to touch him in various ways, he wanted to know how pick's touch would be while the two had sex. Rome was innocent on the outside but on the inside he was far from that

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