1K 69 1

Your kiss, your touch, you
( т ̫ т)♡

Pick looks at Rome while he eats his food, Rome ignoring the stares his boyfriend gives him. Rome finally looks up.

"Why do you keep staring?" Pick quickly looks down.

"I wasn't staring." Pick says, his cheeks flushing pink

"Yes you were." Rome said, while smiling.

"I was- I- I just wanted to look at your beauty" pick said quietly, Rome quickly blushes into a deep scarlet red.

"Pick, you're so sweet." Rome says.

The two finish eating, Rome washes the dishes, while Pick helps.

Then the two boys head to the shower.

"You can take one first." Pick says and Rome nodded. Rome showers and then pick showers.

The two sit in bed, just doing their own things. Pick reads a book while Rome just scrolls through Instagram.

"Tomorrow I'm going to visit my mother would you like to come?" Pick asked, Rome nodded.

The two lay in their usual position. Then let sleep overcome them.

The next day Pick woke up first, which was a bit unusual, it might have just been nervousness, it's been about 2 months now, since Pick had went to see his mother and father. He had been very busy with school and now he was looking for a job as he had only 4 months before he would be able to graduate. Pick finishes his shower and puts on his clothes. He bushes his teeth and walks out of the restroom.

He looks at the bed, his boyfriend still sleeping. Rome cuddling into pick's pillow. Pick decides to make breakfast in bed for Rome.

That's exactly what he did. When he opened the door Rome was now stretching his arms.

"Here you go, my love." Pick says while kissing Rome on the head. Rome blushed at the sight, Pick brings the food to Rome, and Rome happily eats.

"What's this for?"

"I just wanted to do something sweet for once" Pick says while rubbing his nape

"You're always sweet." Rome said while kissing pick's lips.

Rome was now in the shower while pick puts the dishes away.

Rome walks down the stairs and hugs pick from behind.

"You're hair feels soft." Pick said while letting his hand wonder through Rome's brown locks.

Pick lifts Rome up a little and Rome wraps his legs around pick. Pick placed his arms under Rome's bottom to support him. He gave Rome a small kiss.

"I love you Pick"

"I love you more rome."

The two head to the car, while driving to pick's parents house, the two listen to music on the radio

After a while the two arrive at their destination, Rome jumps out and pick also does, pick locks the doors and then walks up to his childhood home.

Knock knock~

After a few minutes the door opens to reveal both Rome's and pick's parents at the door.

"My children." Both mothers say.

"Hello boys." The fathers say

The family hugs and pick and Rome walk inside.

"I've missed you two." Pick's mother says

"We missed you also." Pick says

The day was spent in a nice way, everyone catching up and talking about random things. The family was as they always were, happy and content.

-The promise

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