012 | GAY

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You stabbed my heart but I smiled like it didn't hurt
( т ̫ т)♡

"Mother? Father?" Rome questioned as the family sat at the dinner table

"Yes Rome?" The two parents say, while getting their food

"Is it okay to be gay." Rome's mother had dropped her fork and after that everything was quiet. Quickly Rome added "I'm not gay but I know someone who's gay" the two parents look at each other, then Rome's father sighs in disappointment.

Rome's mother just stayed quiet. She didn't know what to say. Until finally she broke the silence "Rome. Being gay....is okay." Soon Rome's father adds on

"Being gay is something people can't change, but if your gay it's okay, it's not a bad thing or anything's it's a preference. Just like how you hate vegetables but we love them, it's just something you prefer.

If someone likes guys then that's their choice and I say go for it, there's nothing wrong with being gay. In my opinion I think I would be happy for them because they know themselves. Sometimes you just have to take a risk." Rome looked at his food.

"How did you guys know you loved each other?" Rome says and Rome's mother speaks up this time

"I felt butterflies in my tummy, I would always want to look at your father, I felt happy and safe when I was with him, I didn't want to be away from him, I loved everything about him, and the one thing that I would never forget is when we kissed I would always get shy but it made me happy." She smiled at her husband, while he just kissed her hand

Safe, happy, shy.

Rome was quiet he felt most of those things with pick, but was Rome really willing to tell pick? Yes pick said he liked guys but did he like Rome?

Rome's parents already knew that pick was gay, pick had told his parents and as always they were so supportive.

"Mother? Father?"

"What if I liked a b-boy." Rome said the last part so quietly that the parents almost didn't hear it.

The two stare at each other and they smile

"Well, I would like to meet him." Rome's father said and Rome looked up so quickly.

"I would like to know who he is." Rome's mother said and Rome looked at her, he was confused.

"You wouldn't care?"

"Why would we? Love is love. Who ever you love, we will love you no matter what, you are not different just because you don't like a specific gender. Just because you like a girl or guy or anyone you're still our son and you always will be, nothing will change that." Rome was in tear as was his parents. Rome got up from his seat and hugged his parents, like it would be the last time he seen them.

"I love you." Rome said and his parents said it also. While the family was hugging Rome's father said one last thing that made Rome feel safe and happy.

"No matter who you love, care about or want to marry we will always be your #1 supporter, but if they hurt my little Rome I can't promise I won't hurt them" Rome smiled and just continued hugging them.

This is what a family is. A family who is always there for you.

-The promise

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