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Because you think I'm broken, and wrong and you want to fix me!
( т ̫ т)♡

Week 5 1/2

"Are you ready?" Pick ask his lover. Rome was putting on his shoes.

"I'm ready."

"Okay, let's go downstairs." Pick look at his lover, worry visible. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Rome said trying to stand.

"Rome, are you sure? You don't look good." Pick asked while trying to help Rome up.

"I'm fine! Leave me alone!" Rome yelled and walked downstairs. Pick sighed, he rubbed his temples. He put his coat on and walked downstairs. He seen Rome eating his food, so he smiled a bit.

"Pick I'm sorry." Rome stuttered out.

"Don't be sorry." Pick said getting a cup of coffee. He sighed a bit, it was getting a lot harder to deal with Rome's mood swings but he didn't want to make the younger feel bad. It would hurt at some moments but pick knew Rome didn't mean it.

"Still I'm sorry."

"As I said before, don't be sorry. It's okay." Pick said turning his body and smiling at the younger, the younger smiled at him.

You have to sacrifice something's in life.

"Let hurry before we're late for your appointment" pick said drinking his coffee.

"Okay" Rome said grabbing his coat trying to put it on, pick seen his lover struggling, so he helped Rome.

The two got in the car and headed to the doctors office.

"Name?" The nurse at the desk ask.

"Rome Phunsawat." She typed the name, then handed pick a form.

"Fill this out, it helps us know how the patient is, also if there are any pains anywhere right it down. You may sit, a nurse will come out and get you." Pick nodded and walked to Rome. He was happily sleeping.

Pick wrote down everything he could, he shook Rome a bit to wake him up.

"What." Rome said sharply.

"I need to know if you have any pain anywhere, and if you have any concerns." Pick said calmly ignoring the younger's sharp word.

"Give me it then" pick handed Rome the form and walked to the restroom. Pick let out a sigh and rinsed his face a bit.

He doesn't mean it. It's okay. You're doing this not for you but for Rome and your child.

As pick walked out, Rome was sleeping once again. Rome was very tired lately, maybe it was just a pregnancy thing. Pick took the form and laid Rome's head on his leg, so he could be comfortable. After 10 minutes Rome woke up and luckily just in time for a nurse to come out.

"Rome Phunsawat?"

"Here." Rome said walking through the doors. "Okay Rome, Can you lay on the bed." Rome nodded and did what she was asked.

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