011 | HAPPY

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Would it be a shame to love someone like me?
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His lips. Pick thought to himself, while staring at Rome's plump lips. It's been a few day since the incident, and pick never left Rome alone anymore. Pick would always spend time with him he never once left Rome's side.

"Pick?" Rome asked while the two sat on a bench at the park.

"Yes Rome?" Pick asked while looking away, hoping Rome didn't notice pick staring.

"Why are you with me? Why aren't you with lily?" Rome asked, looking into the distance, lately Rome felt himself want to be closer to pick, but in a way he didn't want to feel this. Do I like pick? Rome constantly asked.

"I just like to spend time with you, you make me happy. Lily has to go out of town for the holiday." Pick said and Rome looked at pick. You make me happy.

"Pick. Do you like lily?" Rome asked not really knowing why but just did. To say he wasn't afraid of the answer would be a lie. Rome was scared out of his mind, at this moment Rome knew, Rome knew he felt something for pick, maybe love maybe not. But there was something.

"Lily?" Pick looked at the sky "What do you mean?" Pick asked, in reality he knew what Rome meant but just wanted to make sure.

"Do you have feelings for her? Do you want her as your girlfriend?" Rome said a bit of anger laced in his voice, Rome was at the point where he was getting annoyed. He must like her, if he isn't willing to answer. Rome got up from the bench but was stopped by pick's answer.

"No, but I love someone else. They're shorter than me, smarter, younger, have a beautiful smile, and they mean the entire world to me, I would lose myself if I lost them. I can't ever lose this person, because without them in my life..........I would be nothing." Pick was at the very verge of letting a tear fall, to imagine losing Rome would be the death of him.

Rome stood shocked, he looked down at pick. Them? Why didn't he say a girl, or her?

"Pick. Do you not like girls?" Pick looked up at smiled.

"No." Pick wasn't embarrassed to say it, if pick couldn't accept himself for not liking girls, how would he ever accept himself, if ever he and Rome dated. Or any male in that matter.

Rome just stood staring at pick, not knowing what to say. Rome sat down on the bench.

"You're not embarrassed? How! How can you not be afraid to like a guy? What if people make fun of you? What if-" Rome couldn't finish his sentence and just let his tears fall. He was afraid for pick, he was afraid for the male pick liked, he was afraid in general.

In this world, gay was a talked about thing but not everyone accepted it, Rome was so confused, he accepted gays but how could he not accept himself. Did he really like pick or was it just a feeling he thought he did. Maybe something like someone looking out for a friend or brother.

"Rome. I'm sorry if you don't accept me." Pick could see how Rome was tearing up. If Rome didn't accept him, then it was over, Rome would never accept his sexuality then that meant Rome would never accept him to be his lover. Sometimes the world wasn't all good.

"I-I accept you but how can you not care what others say? H-how can you just let people talk about you?" Pick crouched infront of Rome and hugged him.

"If I am embarrassed by my sexuality how would I ever be able to accept my partner." Pick said in his ear while hugging him. Rome finally understood. Pick was willing to go through pain and hurt just to be happy with the one he loved, and that was true love.

-The promise

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