019 | Window

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I've waited a hundred years
But I'd wait a million more for you
( т ̫ т)♡

Pick stared out of the window of his classroom. He looked at the blue sky, such a beautiful shade of blue. Pick's thoughts were interrupted when he felt a poke on his side, he looked over and seen lily looking at him.

"Yes?" Pick looks at her.

"You've been spacing out lately, what's wrong?" Lily asked, voice laced with concern.

"Nothing is wrong. *looks back out the window* I'm just thinking about me and Rome. I wonder how we would be later in the future. I wonder how my life with him will be like."

"I know you guys are going to be a great couple. Rome loves you and you love him. You guys are the ultimate couple." Lily said with an encouraging smile

The bell rings and pick walks out of the classroom. When he looks around he doesn't see the younger.

"I guess I got out earlier." Pick starts to walk to the younger's class room. He stands out of the classroom, after half an hour Rome walks out with a sour facial expression.

"What's wrong love?" Pick asked as he takes Rome's book bag and holds his hand.

"I have 3 essays due." Rome said in an annoyed voice.

"Oh, love. I know you will do great on them. You always do your best." Pick says as they walk to the car, the two sit in silence while driving home. The music on but not too loud, it sounds like a small echo.

When the two get home, Rome goes to shower and pick's starts to make some food.

After pick finishes, the two eat. Rome and pick eat in silence, not any tension but a peaceful silence. After eating pick watches some tv while Rome starts on his essays.

Rome changes into his night clothes while pick showers, after that the two lay in bed together. Rome continues writing his essay while pick is now reading, many people would think the two are an old married couple.

After half an hour Rome finishes.

"Let's sleep." Pick nodded and turned off the lamp.

Pick laid his back on the bed and Rome snuggles closer to him. Rome lays his head on pick's chest and let's sleep take over him. Pick stared down at the small body and kisses his temple.

"Good night my love." With that pick finally falls asleep, holding Rome, as if he was protecting the shorter male.

-The promise

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