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I'm giving up on you
( т ̫ т)♡

Week 16

It was as if Rome had grown over the night, when he woke he had a bump, it wasn't too big, but also not small, but he was surprised to say the least. When pick walked into restroom he seen the bump and stumbled a bit but soon smiled, loving how Rome was now showing,

A week ago, both males had called both sides of their parents and also lily. Pick asked if they were free today, he said he had important news. Rome looked at the mirror, turning to the side looking at the baby bump that was showing.

"I'm nervous" Rome said, while caressing his baby bump.

"Don't be love, we can't stress the baby"

"Which one?" Rome said teasingly

"Both" pick said and kissed Rome's head, Rome blushed at the comment. Pick let his thumb slowly rub over the bump, in no ways could pick show or say how stunning Rome looked with the baby bump, Rome looked more than stunning, Rome looked absolutely breathtaking. While pick let's his thumb rub over the bump, Rome looked at what Pick was doing through the mirror.

"You look absolutely beautiful with the small baby bump. You have the pregnancy glow." pick said while now getting on his knees, he kissed the bump so gently as if he would hurt Rome or his children if he kissed any harder. "Your mother looks beautiful with his baby bump" pick said while kissing the bump yet again with care and love.

The two males walk to the car, Rome sits in the passenger seat. Pick starts to drive, while driving pick holds Rome's hand, kissing it ever so gently.

After half an hour, the soon to be parents, get out of the car. The two males walk into the restaurant.

"May I help you?" The waitress asked with a smile.

"Reservation for Pick Jumpol." Pick said, while waitress smiled and directed them to there seats.

"Right this way." The waitress guides the males to a table, there the males see no one, that means the parents and lily haven't arrived yet.

The males start to order drinks and wait until Rome starts getting hungry, now having to eat not just for himself but for both babies growing inside him. Luckily both parents arrive, and so did lily. Pick and Rome get up to greet them.

Everyone starts to order their food, the soon to be parents decided to tell their parents after dinner. Rome had ordered quiet a bit and some being weird combination, everyone just ignored it, knowing how Rome was he would usually eat weird combinations.

While the family waited for the food they started to talk.

"So Rome, Pick. How are you guys doing in work?" Rome's mother asked.

"We're doing fine, Mae." Rome said with a smile

"Oh Rome, isn't that one of pick's shirts?" Pick mother asked, it was indeed one of pick's shirts, the reason he had chosen this shirt was because well his baby bump, he wanted to feel comfortable. Rome was going to wear one of his striped shirts he had planned on but he didn't like how it looked, and it felt small. So he asked pick to barrow one of his shirts.

"Yes it is." Rome said shyly

"Wow you guys must share everything?" Pick nodded confidently while Rome nodded shyly.

As the food arrived, Rome had accidentally dropped his fork, on instinct pick had gave his fork to Rome while he picked up the dirty fork. Rome smiled happily, digging in his Mango dish first. Pick smiles and kissed his forehead, before walking away to get another silverware.

Everyone watched the scene unfold and smiled happily. It was cute to see the couple interact. It was genuine and just soft.

"You guys seem like a happy married couple." Lily said with a smile "I'm happy for you guys, you're so cute together" Rome nodded and continued to eat. While pick walked back.

"Let's eat everyone" Pick said and everyone happily dug in.

After eating, here came the big news.

"I would like to announce the reason I called you all here." Pick said and Rome just got quiet.

"Is something wrong?" Pick's mother asked.

"No" Rome smiled. "I want to say I'm pregnant" the males were shocked, the women were having tears.

"I'm so happy for you guys." Rome's father announced. "How many weeks?"

"16" Pick said.

"You're already in your second trimester? Why didn't you tell us? Did pick tell you to keep it a secret?" Everyone questioned.

"I wanted to keep it a secret, I didn't want any stress" Rome said not wanting pick to feel at fault.

"I'm having a grand child"

"Children." Pick corrected.

"Two?!" The mothers asked

"Yes, two. I'll know the genders in about 2 or 3 weeks." Rome said

"I'm truly happy for you guys. You must work hard pick. I know it will be hard my son believe me, I had to go through a lot from your mother, but when your children are born you'll be very happy. All I want for both of you is to be happy and take care of each other and your kids. Oh my, I'm in tears. I'm just very proud of you pick and happy for you Rome. I am so lucky to have a great son and wonderful son in law.

Yes I know your not married but, your still my son in law Rome. I believe, you guys can go through anything, you just have to be able to communicate and help each other." Pick father said with happy tears fall from his eyes, he hugged the parents to be. He couldn't explain how proud and happy he was for the two.

As the day ended the family and lily went home with hope and happiness filled inside of them. The parents to be went home walking inside Rome kissed pick on the lips.

"Thank you pick."

"For what?"

"For being with me for all this time. For never leaving my side. Thank you" Rome said with tears falling Pick held Rome and kissed him many time.

"I'll never leave. You mean to much to me."

The two slept happily in each other's embrace.

-The promise

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