041 | FAMILY

914 41 6

There no life worth living in if your not in it
( т ̫ т)♡

"Are you nervous?" Pick's father questioned.

"Yes I am." Pick was in an all white tux, he was fixing his shirt and his nervousness was all over the place.

"You will do fine son. You both are lucky to have each other. Now let's go to the alter." Pick smiled at his father.

Pick walked out everyone smiling at him. It was a small wedding just, Pick's parents, Rome's parents, Lily and her lover. Of course the twins were there.

As pick stood, the music began, Pim and Rose were walking down the isle, the twins threw flowers down and smiled when they seen there father. "Por!" The twins worded out. Pick smiled and waved to them.

"Go sit with Ya(ย่า/grandmother in thai)" the twins nodded and smiled.

Rome walked down in a black tux, the twins looked at Rome and smiled happily. They tried to run to him but their grandmothers stopped them. Rome laughed and kissed their head before walking to pick.

"Today we all gather here for two beautiful souls to be one........have you prepared you vows?" The two nodded and Rome first went

"Pick, thank you for being here with me and the kids. I'm lucky to have you I love you so so much pick." Rome squeezed pick's hands. Pick smiled at Rome, Rome slipped the silver ring on pick's slender finger.

 Pick smiled at Rome, Rome slipped the silver ring on pick's slender finger

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"Rome, I love you so much. I love Pim and Rose also" pick said looking at the twins who smiled. "I can't tell you how happy I am. I made a promise to you when we where younger, I promised to never leave you. And I won't, ever. You make me happy, you and the twins are my family. One I'm so lucky to have." Pick slid the gold ring on Rome's soft finger

"Do you Rome Phunsawat take pick Jumpol to be your husband in sickness and health

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"Do you Rome Phunsawat take pick Jumpol to be your husband in sickness and health. For better or worse?"

"I do."

"Do you Pick Jumpol take Rome Phunsawat to be you wedded husband in sickness and health for better or worse."

"I do."

"You May now kiss." The two kissed deeply. Everyone cheer and smiled while the twins tried to run to their parents but Rome and pick ran to them, lifting them up. A big smile formed on their lips while the twins clapped "Papa, por!"

 A big smile formed on their lips while the twins clapped "Papa, por!"

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Rome and pick danced weirdly just how the twins were dancing. Coping the parents move. The family laughed at the scene. Everyone was enjoying their time.

( т ̫ т)♡

The family was on their honeymoon they also took the twins because they wanted to not only spend time with just their selves but with the kids. The newly weds were together for a week and then the twins came. Pick smiled at Rome who was running after the twins on the beach.

"Come here you little rascals!" Rome yelled running after the twins.

"You guys are absolutely adorable." Pick said while walking near them. "Come here princess, you too my prince." Pick lifted the twins he put rose on his shoulder while he just held Pim.

The twins smiled and laughed at Rome making weird faces. Pick smiling. The family sat on the beach watching as the sun began to set in the horizon, the day turning into night, the warm turning into breeze.

Rome held Pim while pick held Rose. Rome laid his head on pick's shoulder and pick kissed his head.

"I love you." Pick said while holding Rome's hand.

"I love you too." Rome said watching the horizon. Their rings slightly glistening as the sun fades, the ocean water also glistening. The once bright sun now a full moon. The family just watched the day turn to night. The loud turn calm.

Two small yawns caught their attention. Pim was leaning on Rome while Rose was just watching the ocean as she rubbed her eyes with small fist.

Pick helped put the kids to bed while Rome laid in bed. Pick kissed Rome's lips and smiled.

"All of this happened because of 'the promise'"

"And I don't regret it." The two kissed and smiled as they seen the twins hugging each other.

-The promise

I absolutely love this song and everytime I heard it all I could think about was making a wedding scene for this song. I hope you enjoyed the story. I'm sad to say good bye to 'the promise' this was a story I really loved writing.

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