015 | SHADOW

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I found love where it wasn't suppose to be, right in front of me.
( т ̫ т)♡

4 months later

Pick was driving to a beach. Not any beach, the same one he and Rome went to when they were younger.

The elder just got out of his car and walked down the sand, letting the sand wonder under his feet, the sounds of waves in the distance. It was a peaceful and relaxing sound. After a bit of walking pick sat down on the sand he left his phone and other things in his car. Right at this moment he wanted peace, quiet he wanted some time alone.

Sometimes when he felt stressed he would just want to have some alone time. Pick sighs he let the breeze softly drag across his face. Pick closes his eyes and let everything sink in. Pick opened his eyes when he felt arms around him, he looked up and seen Rome.

"Rome, what are you?"

"Can I sit?" Pick nodded. Rome sat next to pick

"Your parents told me so I called a cab" Rome laid his head on pick's shoulder.

There is a silence between the two but not any tension or bad silence it was a peaceful silence.

"Have you ever wondered what the future will bring?" Rome asked out of no where.

"Sometimes." The silence was once again back, all you could hear was the sound of the ocean softly sway back and forth.

The two just sit together watching as the sun sets in the distance.

"I wonder if we're married? Have kids? Still together?" Rome says his head still on the elders shoulder

(Fair warning, I will make this a Mpreg book. If you don't enjoy that kind of stuff please stop reading the book)

"We'll be together through it all, I'm willing to fight if you fight with me also." Pick kisses Rome on the forehead

"I promise to always fight for you." Rome said

"Promise to never keep a secret,

To never lie,

All ways tell the truth even in painful times,

Never sleep angry,

Always apologize when one has done wrong

And lastly

Never give up on each other." The two nod. They stay in the peaceful peace.

"I guess it sounds like we're marrying." Rome joked

"I wouldn't mind marrying you." Pick smiled kissing Rome's head.

-The promise

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