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Simple love
( т ̫ т)♡

Week 5

As the days passed, Rome grows more into eating sweet foods. Rome always asked pick to buy him mangos and sugar. The couple is happy yet they haven't told their parents about the pregnancy. As Rome gets ready for work. He feels hands softly place at his waist, Rome looked up.

"Pick what are you doing." Rome giggles.

"Nothing, just holding my happiness." Pick said while kissing Rome on the neck. Rome just blushed at the comment.

"I have to get ready for work. Let me go." Rome giggles out as pick kisses his neck.

"Fine but let me help you." Rome walked to the bed to put on his shoes, but pick bent down and helped him.

"I can do it."

"Nope." Pick slipped Rome's shoes on and tied them.

"Thank you" pick kisses Rome on the lips and helped him off the bed.

As the two walk down the stairs the sweet smell of fruits make it's way to Rome's nose.

"Mmmm, I'm hungry." Rome said walking quickly to the kitchen.

"Good morning Rome. Good morning Pick. Here is your breakfast and I'm very sorry but we ran out of mangos. I'll buy some, today" Rome pouted and was at the verge of tears.

"It's okay." Rome tried to smile, but pick could tell how Rome was about to cry.

"Ms. Kwanjai, Could you make sure to get enough for a week or two?" Pick said she nodded.

"I'll head out to buy some now, again I'm sorry I had forgot to buy enough for a week. Please forgive me."

"It's fine really, I can tell you're busy. Also next week you can take the holiday off." Rome said.

"Oh thank you, well I'll be out." As soon as she walked out, he frowned.

"Love, I'll make sure to always have some, We should also tell her about the pregnancy, so she doesn't forget it again."

"No. We're not telling her, at least not right now. We'll tell everyone once I pass my first trimester. I don't want to stress myself."

"Okay. If that's what you want. I just want the best for the two of you, and if telling them stresses you then we can wait." Rome nodded and kissed pick.

"Well I'll head to work, I want my mangos also please don't forget later today we're going to the business party." Pick sighs.

"Do I have to go?"

"Are you implying that you're going to leave me and your child alone. With many people and an annoying male, named Yang Sin?" Rome said stressing the child part, with that pick hurried and said he'll be there. Rome walked to his car and started to laugh.

As Rome walked into the building while eating his sweet mangos. He noticed Yang Sin flirting with the receptionist.

"That guy over there, is the annoying man" Rome whispered to his unborn child.

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