014 | DATING

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It wasn't what we left behind that breaks me, it's what we could've built had we stayed
( т ̫ т)♡

The two had been dating for a few months now and it felt amazing, the two were getting older so they weren't able to spend the night together anymore, unless one of their parents had a small get together and drunk a bit.

No the boys didn't tell their parents, mostly because Rome didn't want to say it, he wanted to wait for the right time.

The couple lay in bed together as yesterday everyone drunk after the get together, pick had his back on the bed board and Rome just cuddled into his chest. Pick was playing with Rome's hair.

"Love?" Rome looks up

"When are we going to tell them?" Rome lays his head back on pick's chest.

"We can tell them today?" Rome said but it sounded more as a question.

"No. I mean you don't have to, I don't want to force you into something you don't want." Rome smiles, pick could be such a perfect boyfriend.

"Thank you. Can we do it another time, but we can tell them soon I promise."

"Can you pwomise me something?"

"Yes romie, what is it?"

"Never leave romie"

"I promise"

Pick looks down at the male that has his eyes closed. He smiled, to think the person who always occupied his mind was the same person who was his childhood best friend. Happily now he is lover.


"Yes?" Rome asked eyes still closed

"I love you" Rome looked up

"I love you also" pick went to peck Rome's lips. Rome just smiled.

The two boys went downstairs when they smelt food. Rome's mother hugged Rome.

"Good morning boys, how did you sleep?"


"Ahh that good now let's eat" the two sat and ate, later pick's parents walk downstairs.

"I need to stop drinking so much" pick's mother said. Everyone ate peacefully while talking about random things

~A few days later~

"Well hello pick." Lily said. Rome had gone to class already

"Hello Lily."

"Did you hear? Next week we're going to visit the university."

"That's next week?" Pick asked surprised he had forgotten.

"Yep, did you forget that quick? The professor announced it only Friday how could you forget?" she said giggling, pick rubbed the back of his neck and smiled shyly.

The two went to class.

( т ̫ т)♡

Lily and pick's class had went to the university to look around, while they were there many many girls wanted pick's number or even gave him theirs, but pick declined all. The two walked around and seen a girl walking to pick.

"Hello pick."

"Do I know you?" He questioned

"No but I know you. You're more handsome in person." The girl said with a flirtatious smile, pick said thank you and smiled bitterly.

"You would look better with me than with her." The girl said looking at lily, lily scoffed.

"Me and lily aren't dating, she's my friend." Pick said and lily nodded agreeing.

"So does that mean your single?" The girl said with a smile, now starting to rub herself on pick. Pick pushed her lightly, how can a girl be so touchy,

"Just because I'm not dating lily doesn't mean I'm not dating someone. I am in fact in a happy, peaceful, loving relationship." Pick said smiling at the fact.

"I'm better than her." Lily laughed a bit and pick just frowned.

"You could be better, maybe even prettier, you could have a better body-" the girl smiled feeling confident "-but even if you're better in everything else, I'd still choose my Rome" her smile faded away and she stomps away angrily. After the girl walked away lily pulled pick into a quiet place without anyone

"You're dating Rome!" She whisper shouted. Pick was scared a bit

"N-No" he stuttered and mentally slapped himself.

"Don't lie, I heard clearly you said 'I'd still choose my Rome'." Pick was quiet. Lily smiled so big

"You guys are dating! You guys are so cute together. The height difference makes it even cuter!!" Pick was shocked

"What do you mean?"

"You're taller than Rome and Rome is shorter than you. I bet when you two hug it is adorable or better when you kiss. Oh my goodness when you guys kiss does Rome have to get on his tippy toes?!!"

"Yes..." lily smiled so wide and started to giggle.

"I ship it!!!" Pick just smiled.

-The promise

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