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The more you love, the more you suffer.
( т ̫ т)♡

Week 7

"Do you need any help?"

"No thank you" Rome said while forcefully taking off his work shoes.

"Are you sure? You don't look good."

"So what I'm ugly? Am I not good enough! Are you going to leave now! Just go please."

"Love? Hey what's wrong? Talk to me? You seem so stressed and it's not good." Pick crouched down to Rome's level.

"You look so short." Rome said with a small smile while pick wiped his tears.

"Love, talk to me, let me be there for you. Let me be your shinning knight." Rome chuckled a bit at the comment.

After that day at the park, pick soon found a way to deal with the mood swings, at first it wasn't so good. After a day or two pick was able to deal with the mood swings it was a bit difficult, dealing with the other but soon became easy. Rome on the other hand was tired, completely drained. Once Rome got a day off of work he would either run to the restroom due to morning sickness or lay in bed sleeping the day away, of course he would get up to make him something to eat but other than that he just slept.

"I'm tired." Rome said with a small smile laying back on the bed.

"Of what?" Pick asked, rubbing Rome's right foot. It was a thing Rome loved.

"Nothing, I'm just tired all the time. I have morning sickness almost every day, and I just feel so drained after work. I just want to sleep and sleep some more. Can't I sleep right now?" Rome asked while looking at the ceiling. Pick laughed a bit and started to rub Rome's left foot.

"Love, if you're sleepy then sleep, I'll make you something to eat and then I'll-."

Ring- Ring-

The two look at the ringing phone and Rome groans having to get up.

"Don't worry lay down, I'll answer it." Rome nodded and laid in bed with his eyes closed.

"Hello, Pick speaking?" Pick said without looking at the caller ID and continued to rub Rome's feet, Rome let out a satisfied groan.

"Hello pick. How are you?" Rome's mother chimes in

"Hello, Auntie. I'm doing well, how are you?"

"Tired sweetheart. I'm getting old. Anyways I was wondering where is Rome?"

"He's laying down right now."

"Is he okay? He's never one to be tired so easily. He's always so energetic." At that moment pick realized what she meant and quickly answered knowing Rome didn't want to tell their parents yet about the pregnancy.

"Oh, yeah, he's fine. He's just tired from work, today was a hectic day." Pick said, pick smiled when he heard soft snores coming from above. He stopped massaging Rome's feet and got up. He laid Rome in a better position while covering Rome.

"Oh, if that's so, I'll call him tomorrow. Take care sweetheart. Tell Rome I said hello."

"I will auntie. Be safe and take care. Bye."

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