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Serenity; noun
the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
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Week 35

As Rome only had a month left before the birth of the twins, both families were staying at Rome and Pick's house to help take care of Rome. Rome's mood swings were gone, well he would still have some but it was only when he had a headache.

Rome was calm but when he had a headache, the mother's didn't know what to do, they hadn't experienced any really bad headaches but sadly Rome did. Rome was normally calm, in pick's opinion but when Rome had a headache, it was like the calm sweet angel became a mean evil demon. He yelled and got angry, it wasn't his fault. Sadly Rome frequently experienced headaches now, and some would be a breeze just a small sassy remark, and other times it was hell, he would yell for no reason, then cry about yelling at his father or another parent.

Pick wasn't home for almost two weeks, since he had to take an appointment in Chiang Mai, Rome was not only angry but sad because he missed pick. He just wanted the elder to hug him. Rome really wanted a lot of attention from pick, but he knew he couldn't because pick's evil job, never letting him stay home. It wasn't only some days Rome would experience this it had been for a week now. This pregnancy was making Rome feel like an insomniac, he barely got sleep, sleeping now was so troublesome, which would worsen the headaches.

Today was no different, Rome had a headache, and couldn't sleep, missing Pick to much. Pick wanted to surprise the younger and tell him he would have a few months off. Pick loves the face calls they would share but it wasn't the same. It was the same when he was able to actually kiss the younger, not a flying kiss. It wasn't the same when he would talk to the twins, he missed the small kicks they would do when Rome said something 'insulting' about pick or how Rome would have those cute little snores when he slept, or when he was able to see Rome and his nose scrunch. It wasn't the same seeing it in person, than over call. It didn't feel as special, it is alway better seeing your loved one in reality.

Rome was angry, he only got an hour of sleep because his hip was sore and back was hurting all night, his mother and Pick's mother tried to massage his back, but it didn't feel as good as pick's massages. Rome walked out from the restroom, his 5th trip from there. He walked to the kitchen to get fruit, the only thing that didn't leave him so far. Yes Rome was angry at pick for not taking him.

"Rome honey, is there anything you want?"

"Apple." Rome said, walking to the fridge

"We don't have any apples." Rome looked at his mother, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"We don't have apples? What about mango? Any fruit?" She nodded and handed the male a bowl of mangos.

"I'll make mango with sticky rice later today." Rome slightly smiled. "Do you feel any pain anywhere?"

"Head, legs and my feet feel numb" a soft kick was felt after Rome spoke, Rome just rubbed the spot

"Go sit down then" Rome nodded and slightly tripped from the rug that was near the couch. He felt arms wrapped around him, Rome looked at the mango that was on the rug.

"My mango!" The two parents ran to the younger when they heard a yell, they seen pick holding Rome. Rome was looking at the rug with eyes that filled with sadness, his eyes looked as if he lost his favorite thing in the world.

"I just saved your life and you're worrying about a mango?" Pick questioned.

"Yes! It was my mango! I could've had a beautiful date with my mango but now look at him? He looks so sad, not being able to be in my stomach! Now look! Me and the twins aren't able to eat a mango because of this stupid unique aqua blue rug!" Rome ranted about his mango, not even paying attention to who had caught him from falling. Pick smiled at the younger, he missed Rome and his outburst.

"Well choose mango or me?" Pick questioned, still holding Rome. The parents only watched Rome be oblivious of the person speaking

"Definitely mangos! They don't leave me alone." A small pout made its way to Rome's lips

"But they do leave. What happens when you eat them?" Pick spoke while his mother and mother in law cleaned the mess. The parents silently laughing at Rome still being oblivious.

"They don't leave, because when I eat them they are in my tummy and I- wait a minute! PICK!!!!" Pick laughed at Rome. Rome turning his body, Rome left millions of kisses on pick's neck and many more kisses on pick's lips. "You ugly annoying butthole! Do you not know how much I missed you? Or how mad I am at you! Hmmmm?!!!" Rome questioned, pick smiled, Rome was all lovey dovey on pick but now Rome was angry but still hugging pick. "You see my mango baby just died."

"Are you still choosing a mango over me?" Rome nodded when the two sat on the couch, pick rubbed Rome's feet on instinct, he was use to rubbing Rome's feet whenever Rome looked overwhelmed or just simply wanted a massage.

"Mango." Rome said, pick only laughed.

"Why not me? Hmm?"

"Because my mango's didn't leave me for two weeks. But today I'm questioning that. One of my beloved mangos left me." Rome said while wiping a tears from his eye. Pick kissed Rome on the head

"If you choose me I'll buy you as many mangos you want. And anything else you want." Pick smiled when he seen Rome thinking.

"Fine I choose you."

"Like a Pokémon?" Rome slightly slapped the elder.

"Stop with the Pokémon reference. Now come and massage my shoulders. I also want cuddles. You left me and the twins for two weeks. Do you not know how love deprived I was? I almost went as far as cuddling your pillow." He did but would Rome admit it? Nope.

"Well you won't have to worry about that. I'll be staying home for a while. So let's hope you don't get tired of me" pick said while kissing Rome on the lips. Rome would never admit that he was happy, no ecstatic about the news.

Pick did as his lovely partner said. He massaged Rome's shoulders and after he cuddled with the younger. Rome slept quickly, the comfortable feeling of Pick's touch finally returning. Rome snuggled deeper into pick, he missed his dorky boyfriend. No matter how much Rome would complain and 'insult' pick, one thing was true, pick was Rome's safe place.

Pick was Rome's tranquillity just as Rome was pick's serenity.

-The promise

Tranquillity; the quality or state of being tranquil; calm, peaceful.

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