016 | I AM LOST

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Pain can heal, but you must let time help you
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Two weeks later

Pick stared at Rome watching how his stomach went up and down as Rome would breathe in and out, the way Rome would have a very soft and sweet snore, the way Rome would cuddle closer into pick. Everything Rome did pick found, cute.

"How Can my beautiful boyfriend be so perfect even when he sleeps" pick asked while kissing Rome's head.

Pick let his fingers wonder through Rome's hair. While doing so he heard a buzzing noise most likely being his phone, he checked and it was indeed his phone, a message from his mother.

Mæ: Me and your father will be away for a few weeks as our anniversary is coming soon so please take care of the house, much love and take care. <3

Pick: okay mother, have a good time not tooooo much fun though. Love you.

Mæ: oh hush pick. Don't think I haven't noticed your little problems. Oh horny boy.

Pick: Mother! It was only once.

Mæ: you're lucky I didn't tell Rome.

Pick: fine fine have fun.

Pick smiled, yes indeed pick had a small problem one day, the two family's had a small dinner party and there sat Rome, pick had lately been imagining some things about Rome. As he stared at Rome the more thoughts came to mind and that's when pick had his small problem. He was a bit embarrassed as this was his first time ever thinking about those things but worse his first time thinking about Rome doing those things, while at a dinner party.

Pick excused himself and went to the restroom to handle his problem somehow. After a few minutes of thinking about different things his problem was solved but when he walked out he seen his mother with a wide smile.

"Really pick! You are already thinking about Rome like that." Pick was embarrassed so he acted like he didn't know.

"Whatever do you mean mother?"

"I was watching you the entire time, nasty little boy!"

"Watching what?"

"You stare lovingly and lustfully at Rome." She mocked and pick just smiled bitterly.

"Don't say anything please...."

"Fine, but let's go before they get suspicious" she said and they went back to the dinner table.

"What took so long?"

"Pick and me had to talk." She said with a smile and they all nodded

pick got up from the bed and went to shower, while his mind was preoccupied he had forgot his clothes, he wrapped a towel around his waist and walked out.

While walking out Rome had woke up, the two looked at each other and Rome started to blush and look away.

"Sorry I forgot my clothes" pick said going to get his clothes.

"Ok." While pick was looking for his clothes Rome had looked at pick's body, not to strong but not too weak, pale skin. Rome kept staring not even noticing pick had now noticed eyes looking at him.

Pick turned around and walked to the restroom. Rome looked away trying to act as if he hadn't seen anything. Once pick was gone Rome sighed and went to get his own clothes.

The two boys were at a small restaurant eating breakfast, for the past 3 days the boys had spent time at the beach. Today was the last day until they went back home.

"Rome..." Rome looked up and pick continues "you know I'm starting to go to the university in a few months, and my mother and father said it would be better if I rented a place." Rome nods

"Your parents said it's better because it will be quieter and they would help with the rent, why do you ask?"

"Well I was wondering if, I do get the apartment would you like to ummm... move in?" To say Rome was surprised would be an understatement he was beyond surprised.

"Me and you? Move in together?" Pick felt a pain in his heart the way Rome had said it luckily Rome noticed "not in a bad way I just mean, are you sure?" Pick nodded.

"I would love to wake up next to you and just have you in my arms, I'll even drive you to school, you'd only have one year left and then we're both in the university,"

"Pick, if that's okay with you then I would love too." Rome laid a hand on pick's cheek he rubbed his thumb over pick's cheek.

"I would absolutely love that" Rome smiled and the two continue to eat.

After eating the two males walk around and go to different place then drive home. Rome said he would come over tomorrow so pick drove Rome to his house. As pick got home he put his things up and went to watch tv for the rest of the night.

-The promise

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