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"You okay?" Wally asked Dick. They'd gotten into some foreplay a few minutes earlier, but something felt wrong. "Yeah. I'm fine." "No, you're not. Something's not right up there. C'mon, you can tell me. I won't judge." Dick sighed. "I don't know. I just...I don't know how to put it into words." "Try me." "Sex doesn't feel right. It never has. I don't understand why people like it so much. I don't know what people mean when they think someone's sexy, and I don't understand one night stands. It doesn't make sense, Walls. Am I broken?"

The desperation in his voice broke Wally's heart. "No. No, you're not broken." "Then why don't I understand it? Why don't I feel it?" Dick laid his head on Wally's shoulder. "It's the way you are, Dickie. It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's normal for people to feel like that." "Then why didn't I know about it?" "Because people hide it. They don't like feeling that way. They think they're broken, like you do. But they're not." "What is it, Wally? I don't get it."

"It depends on each person. I think you're Asexual, Dick. You don't understand it because you don't feel it." "But people say I'll find the right person who makes it better." "That's a lie, Dickie. Some people don't have a person that 'fixes' them. Some only find that person once they get close to them. Those are Demisexuals. It just depends on the person. It's a spectrum. There's no exact way to tell you what you are."

"So, I'm not...broken?" "No. You are you, in your own beautiful way. You've never been broken, Dick. But why did you go along if it didn't feel right? Why put yourself in that position?" Dick looked away. "It's what's expected of me, Walls. I'm supposed to be a playboy, a dog. Someone who chases sex like it's a ball. How do you get that reputation, only to turn around and say you don't feel any of it? How?" "You've never been a dog. You've been seeking validation, trying to find the person that'll make it better. Nobody has ever told you before it was normal." 

"But what about you? You feel sexual attraction." "I will be fine. You don't have to do anything you don't want. I can find toys to help me." "But I feel like I'm letting you down." "You're not. Believe me, there's no way you can let me down. Just being with you is better than anything I could've hoped for. I won't make you uncomfortable to satisfy me. Believe me, I went through middle and high school horny as hell without any way to relieve it. I'm better about it now. I don't need you sacrificing yourself for me."

"Think we can just cuddle?" Dick asked softly. Wally nodded. "Yeah. Here, lay on my chest." Wally laid down, smiling as Dick snuggled into his side. "How do you know I'm not broken?" "The same way I knew I wasn't when I realized I liked guys instead of girls: I had people who supported me, and I had people who had stories about feeling the same way I did. I knew I could overcome anything, as long as I had people who loved me by my side. It was...hard, sometimes, knowing I wasn't normal, but I learned to see it as a good thing. I'm not normal, so there is no normal. Everyone's different in their own way. For instance, you are an Asexual acrobat who has a boyfriend. Not many other people can say that." Dick smiled, leaning into Wally. Maybe he wasn't broken after all.

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