What to do when kids are overdosing on steroids

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When Bruce got the call from the hospital, he wasn't expecting anything big. Dick was on the gymnastics team for Gotham State, so he was expecting to hear something about a sprained ankle, or an injured wrist. He did not expect to hear that his son was one of many athletes that had all mass overdosed on steroids. He'd heard a few news reports about the occasional student overdosing, but now...now Dick was one of fifty students, all athletes, stranded in the hospital. Nobody had died yet, thankfully, but it was still terrifying to Bruce. He dropped everything and hurried over to the hospital, being met with a crowd of worried parents and dozens of news reporters. Apparently, the University hospital had cleared out an entire ward for the athletes. This felt wrong to Bruce. Dick only went near steroids if he was very sick, and he'd just been at a gymnastics meet two days ago. The team had done a round of drug testing three days ago, and everyone had been cleared. Dick had told Bruce before that steroids made him feel gross, so he tried to leave that as a last resort. What could've caused Dick to overdose on a substance he hated?

Commissioner Gordon walked over to Bruce. "Hey, Bruce. Hell of a day." Jim sighed, shaking Bruce's hand. "Hey, Jim. Do we know what happened yet?" "We're not sure. It happened during the lunchtime rush. The athlete dining hall was packed when kids started seizing up. Dick was the one who called 911, told us that dozens of athletes were having seizures and that they needed help. He managed to stay awake until help got there, but he fell unconscious soon after. All we know is that everyone was in that dining hall together. We've got samples of the food we're testing, and we're holding the meal staff in custody until our tests are run. Luckily, the athletic dining hall is close to the nursing hall, so we had a bunch of nursing students helping until emergency crews arrived. The doctors think that everyone will get out unscathed." "Has anyone woken up yet?" "Not as far as I know. Some of these kids went through a hell of a ride today. I'm sure they're exhausted. Why don't you find a place to sit down? It may be a while before we hear anything about them." Bruce nodded, quickly claiming an empty seat. At least Dick had been able to call for help before he passed out.

After a very long thirty minutes, a doctor and a few nurses walked out. They were quickly bombarded with questions. The doctor stayed silent until they all quieted down. "Everyone is fine. We've managed to stabilize them, and they're all resting. As of right now, everyone is on family only. If you have questions about what room your family is in, you can ask me or one of these nurses. We do ask that you limit each room to two people only. We don't want to overwhelm anyone. If they show any signs of waking up, ask for me or a nurse. We want to ensure that everyone gets out of here healthy." Parents immediately flocked to the nurses. Bruce waited for the crowd to die down a bit before walking up, going to the doctor. "Ah, Mr Wayne. Are you here for Richard?" The doctor asked. "Yes. How is he?" "He could be doing much worse. He's resting comfortably in room 206. He'll probably be awake in an hour or so. Do you need any assistance getting there?" Bruce shook his head. "Very well. His personal effects can be returned to you whenever you want." "I'll get them when I reach his room. Thank you for your help." "Of course. If you need anything, just ask."

Bruce walked off, following signs until he got to Dick's room. He took a deep breath before walking in, trying to prepare himself for whatever he might be faced with. It didn't work. Dick was laying in the bed, extremely pale with dark circles under his eyes. He had an IV in his arm, and a breathing mask on his face. His body just screamed exhaustion, which hurt to see. Dick didn't choose this, yet he was suffering the consequences. Bruce sat down in the chair next to the bed, carefully brushing Dick's hair out of his face. "Just rest easy, Dick. You're okay now. I'm not going to let anything else happen to you." He whispered, grabbing Dick's hand. He was going to find whoever did this, and put them in a body cast. Dick didn't deserve this. None of these kids did. After all, that's what they were: kids. Sure, they were kids who tended to make stupid mistakes, but they didn't deserve this. Poisoning a bunch of college athletes was a new level of sick, and he'd seen plenty of sick things.

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